Welcome to our page for Janet McBride centering on her professional
acquaintance with Dale Evans. When this webmaster suggested that the
page be titled "Roy Rogers and Dale Evans," Janet
responded with her typical humility in the October 23, 2012 post below. We will be showing dates for the individual messages, with most current generally first.
May 23, 2013

Please click to see a larger version.
At the time of this particular page edit, the webmaster is posting a photo each day (except Sunday) for Janet on both Twitter and Facebook.
For that, and this page, she generously sent scanned pictures of Dale Evans, sometimes with her husband Roy Rogers, from the July, 1994 WMA Sons of the Pioneer Reunion in Tucson, Arizona.
Above is just one lovely example.
February 25, 2013
Each year, around March, there is the "Festival of the West" gathering. In 1999, who should appear, amongst so many celebrities, but Dale Evans and Jane Russell! Janet sent the webmaster photos of these two icons in a group, and here they are cropped for individual attention.
Clicking on either one will bring up larger versions. The identity of the lady next to Miss Evans is unknown at the present time.


October 23, 2012
I didn't have much personal interaction with Roy 'alas' but I was able
to actually sit down with Dale and I am better acquainted with Dusty-Roy, Jr. and Cheryl Rogers Barnett--his first adopted child.
All of the Rogers Kids that I have met have been wonderful people. I
have a receipe in her [Dale's] first Cowboy Cookbook.
August 2, 2012

Please click to see a larger version.
My Goodness! How great is this photo?
Perhaps the last photo of Gene and Roy.............. (from Bobby
March 21, 2012
Re: Dale Evans DVD set...

Wow. I thought this project was 'gone' years ago.
I can't tell you what year it was when they interviewed me on film but had to be on or before 2007. What a hoot.
We'll see what they kept of my interview. They just told me to tell them what connections I had with Dale.
I don't know if I am in it still but, he will send me the DVD so we'll soon know.
Below is the note the Collection's producer sent the day before...
Steve and I would like to send you a preliminary release copy of the Dale Evans: Beyond the Happy Trails documentary. This early version of the documentary was packaged with two Roy Rogers movies and two TV shows in November of last year as a promotional program celebrating Roy Rogers 100th Birthday and to garner some feedback for the project.
We have subsequently submitted the documentary to A&E, PBS, APT and RL TV. and are awaiting feedback. We have also contacted NARC (Formerly ARC), Hope Cottage, Happy Trails Foundation and ChildHelp USA, all charities that Roy and Dale were involved with, offering the DVD package as a potential medium to raise funds.
We are also making the documentary available for festival screenings. I recently screened the program at the Williamsburg Film Festival and received very positive feedback.
Your support and assistance in this project has been most appreciated.
Best Regards,
Happy Trails
Bob Sigman
Janet added further comments on March 29...
This is a 'documentary' on Dale Evans.
I was at the Lubbock Symposium several years back/maybe 2007 or 2009 and some guys were filming artists who wanted to say a few words about Dale Evans. Since I was not sure what they wanted, they said 'just talk about Dale and what you thought of her and her career etc so I just started talking and then went on my way.
I had their card in my wallet for a long time and only took it out this year and filed it with my tons of folks names and numbers and was thrilled and surprised to hear from the fella whose card I had stating 'the documentary is finished and I'll send you one if you'll give me an address'.
That email came through you [this webmaster] and it didn't take me too long to get him an answer.
It is a two DVD one box set. The Dale Evans story is well done and laced into her story are cuts from several people with snippets of what they said. I look every bit my age since they did close ups on everyone but I got over it. I speak for a very few seconds the first time and then at the very end of her story I have the last words by an artist.
I received my 'pre-release' copy and had to watch it to see IF I got into it in any way.
Yippee, I did.
On March 30, Janet added even more...
I am one of the artists who is on this DVD of Dale. I told Bob Sigman I'd see that we were linked with them to help with their promotion etc.
The title is DALE EVANS Beyond Happy Trails. I am in the first segment which is 33 minutes. I speak two times as does my buddy Devon Dawson. There are two more segments on the first CD. Roy Togers Show #1 26 minutes and Roy Rogers Show #2 which is 22 minutes.
The Roy Rogers Disc #2 is two full movies. My Pal Trigger 79 min and Lights of old Santa Fe 79 Min.
Their Website is here and their books and movies page is here.
He has told me he will list my book and CD in the General Store so let me know what we can do.
They did the interviews in 2009 at Lubbock TX Symposium. All of the camera shots are really up close and each and every one of my wrinkles were shinning bright but I am thrilled to be in it. Another one of those 'Janet' things of being in the right place and time.
Obviously, this webmaster added the information to our home page, and Mr. Sigman did include Janet's book in the books and movies section. You can visit their website by clicking where indicated. You can purchase the DVD set by clicking here.
New Roy Rogers Book -
The Latest!

In 2011, Janet had some wonderful words to say about Dan and Kim Bell and this new book, which mentions our Janet. You can go to their website by clicking the photo above.
Dan and Kim said some nice things about Janet as well. You can read both sets of comments here on our 2011 Notes page.
We list below some photographs, two of them posted by Charlotte Autry either in Facebook or Twitter. After those, you will see quick scans of the pages where Janet is listed. With all four images, you can see larger versions by clicking on them.

Did you see it?!? Lead by 100 Golden Palominos.. Roy Rogers Centennial Float 'Happy Trails.'
These comments by Charlotte Autry on her Twitter account, January 2, 2012.

RFD-TV - Sneak peek of Trigger and Bullet at the Rose Parade — with Pam Minick and Raquel Gottsch.
This message posted by Charlotte Autry on her Facebook account, January 1, 2012.
You can see Charlotte Autry's Facebook Fan Page here and her Twitter page here.

The pictures above and below are from "THE TOUCH OF ROY AND DALE," pages 179 and 180, respectively.

December 30, 2011
Re: "The Touch of Roy and Dale" - a new book just out about Roy Rogers and Dale Evans which mentions Janet...

I got this from Dan Bell. Thought you'd like to see it. [Dan Bell's promotions company is publicizing this book.]
Hey Janet,
Thanks for the kind words.
The book is off to a great start. Several newspapers around the country have run press release articles and one was picked up by the Associated Press and has run in Japan and the Washington Examiner papers. Tricia was invited by RFD to participate in their Equesfest pre-Rose Bowl Parade activities, joining Dusty, Cheryl, Mimi and others for book signing. On Tuesday she will be interviewed by Joe Franklin on his national Bloomberg radio program. Happy New Year!
Best always,
Dan & Kim
Mr. Bell's email is a response to one that Janet had sent him, a portion of which we list below...
I am thrilled with the book. I am reading it from cover to cover and I can't thank everyone enough for working me in there. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
It is a wonderful 'trip back in time' and I am sure it is a thrill for hundreds of people like me who just 'loved those two people' and treasured their friendship and life on this earth. They were what 'heroes' should be like.
November 7, 2011
Re: Celebrating Roy Rogers with the Buckaroos...

Yesterday I went to Fort Worth Cowtown Opry show at the Stockyards for Roy Rogers's 100th Birthday with cake, tea, lemonade and water, plus yodeling contest and 'Roy' Fancy Cowboy Outfit. It was a lot of fun.
The above photo was posted by Charlotte Autry on her Facebook account for Roy Rogers' birthday.
October 30, 2011
Re: New Roy Rogers book includes Janet...

Can we link to them?
Dan Bell and Kim have been fans and friends since the 1990's through WMA and there will be something in the new Roy Rogers book [about me]. However I haven't seen it yet, of course.
I am just proud that I got in it.
Re: Here is what Dan and Kim said to Janet...
Hi Janet,
Hope this finds you well. Our Roy Rogers book is finally off to the printer. We will see the book in about 3-4 weeks. It's been an experience!
We ended up getting material from family members, Dusty, Cheryl, Mimi and Dodie and about an hours of radio interview time From Dusty and Dustin. Son Greg will begin using the tags this week as he touts his upcoming, Nov. 5th, 24 hour Roy Rogers 100th birthday celebration programming, on Radio Classics, Sirius/XM channel 82.
Our new www.westquest.org site is up and running now. (if you've looked at it in the past, you may need to hit the refresh button on your browser). You'll know it's the right one if you see a monument valley sunset header at the top of the home page. Check it out and let me know if what I did with your new book is OK? If you'd like for me to change anything, shout at me. Love to have you add a link to our site also.
I'll keep you posted, and send you the new book when we receive them.
Dan & Kim
You can go to the westquest.org website by clicking either the link in their message or the photo above. Janet later added this interesting anecdote...
Dan Bell's sister is writing the book. She bid on several boxes of cards and letters from Roy and Dale's fans when they had the big auction in Victorville.
She found some cards sent by me from the old Mesquite Opry Crowd in their cards and called me some time ago about it and of course I said, yep, we used to send cards from the Opry crowd when someone was sick and that is how they got there.