Janet and Mikki Daniel at
The Gene Autry Fan Club
Luncheon in Dallas, Texas!

On September 15, 2017, our Miss Janet visited the Gene Autry Fan Club locally, and met up with none other than Mikki Daniel, who was the featured performer. You can see their picture together above. Of the experience, Janet said the following:
I did [go to the luncheon] and it was 'SWEET' for everyone to see an ALL GROWN UP Mikki.
The last time any of the folks who were there yesterday [saw Mikki] was about 4 long years ago.
It was a SHAZAM moment for them :-)
Also joining in the festivities was Leslei Fisher, from the Gene Autry Museum in Gene Autry, Oklahoma. When Janet emailed that her "web guy" wanted details as to her position there, here is what Miss Leslei wrote:
My title is Executive Director. And Leslei Fisher is the correct spelling of my name :)
It's a great photo, I'm honored.
Thanks, always wonderful to see you.
Miss Leslei is pictured below, with Janet and Mikki, in a photo from her phone. You can get larger versions of either of these pictures by clicking on them. You can see more pictures of the luncheon by clicking this link. Thank you Mr. Roy Tucker for posting your photos!

Brook Wallace-Deaton and
Dusty Deaton
Appear as "The Band"
On Local Television!

In Dallas, our local CBS station, Channel 11, has a Friday morning segment on their news show called "11 at 11." On September 15, our Brook Wallace-Deaton appeared with her husband Dustin to accompany Jennifer Nickerson in an outdoor concert. I notified Janet, and she wrote back:
Leaving for the Gene Autry Lunch but did set the timer. TKS
As it turned out, Dusty was wearing a Krystin Harris T-shirt! When Kristyn found it out, she posted in Facebook on September 17:
One of my Kristyn Harris T-shirts ended up on CBS Channel 11!!
Hope y'all got to catch Brook and Dusty Deaton on TV the other morning... hey, you can catch Brook, Jeanne Cahill and myself in Branson this week too!
#BransonBound #butstillinArizonaatthemoment
You can see the performance online by clicking here. Congratulations to Jennifer, Brook, and Dusty!

Please click to see a larger version.
Janet and the Shirleys
At the Gene Autry
Dallas Fan Club

Please click to see a larger version.
Roy Tucker was kind enough to send Janet a link to several photos from the Gene Autry Fan Club luncheon in Dallas on April 15th. This is just one example where Janet poses with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Shirley. To see the rest of the pictures, please just click here. It looks like everyone had a great time.
Thank you, Mr. Tucker!
Beth Williams
Playing Janet's Songs!

Please click to see a larger version.
The photo above is of Gospel singer and yodeler Beth Williams. Here is how Janet described her:
This girl is a very sweet gal. She will be playing some Janet McBride on her shows.
In her Email to Janet, Miss Beth stated the following:
The Gospel Yodel will be on my show this week. It's at the end of the show, right before my song at the end. Saving the best for last!
It airs Mountain Time:
Thursday 9:30-10:30pm
Sat. 11:30 - 12:30pm
Sunday 8:00-9:00 pm
After that, the show will be archived on my website:
With Love,
Miss Beth has two websites, and clicking on the links below will get you to them. Thank you so much Beth Williams for your ministry, and for choosing our Janet's songs to play on the air!
[Webmaster's Edit: this webmaster mistakenly thought that Miss Beth was singing Janet's songs, but she is instead playing them. Miss Beth announced on Facebook that Janet can be heard at this link, and that she is on show #11. Thank you so much, Miss Beth!
Mesquite Opry

Janet now has a Mesquite Opry page on Facebook, and this webmaster has been showcasing some of the memorabilia that she donated to him over the years. You can see larger versions of these two items by clicking on them. Here is what Janet wrote in a comment on one of the photos in Facebook:
I can't take all of the credit for staying with the 'Country Music Sound. The Mesquite Opry Band were some of the best 'pickers' available for the time. Thomas Miller on bass, Joe Digilia on lead and steel guitar. Paul Polish on drums, Jerl Welch on harmonica and Connie Miller on piano and me playing rhythm. Thomas could make a chart while running through rehearsal which made it easy to play each song to perfection.
Musicians over the years were always the best. Junior Knight, Mike Tucker, Art Greenhaw, to name a few, went on to do some great stuff in music.
The regular talent knew how to sing a country song and best of all they always picked the best of the day. That era brought some wonderful country sounding songs. Strait, Chestnut, Travis, Skaggs, Alan Jackson, Connie, Loretta, Tammy, Reba, Jones, Willie, Haggard, Louvin OH MY.
On Saturday Night in Mesquite TX at the opry you would hear something you liked. Yep, even a yodel. So many stories happened there and WE WERE ALL STARS FOR TWO HOURS for nearly 15 years.
By the way, we knew The Good Lord was the reason we were able to hang on that long in that little old theater. Our regular attendee's were also wonderful friends & fans and volunteers. It took everyone to make it work. John and I were just The Trail Bosses.
Thank you, Janet!

Mallary Hope
Debuts New Single!

Please click to see a larger version.
On April 14, Mallary Hope posted a video for her single "Now" from her debut gospel album with Curb Records. You can see that video by going to her Facebook page at this link. What wonderful, long-awaited news for her fans!

Mallary has always been extremely soft-spoken about her great beauty; but then so has our Janet. Compare the photo above, taken July of 2013 with a photo of Janet below from 1950. Dr. J. Vernon McGee used to preach: "why should the devil have all of the beautiful women." As can be seen, he clearly does not! (clicking on each of these photos will bring up larger versions)

Janet's Publicity Poster
Signed to her Webmaster!

Please click to see a larger version.
Some years ago, Janet sent her webmaster this large poster which hangs on a wall in my hallway. It was very difficult to capture its brilliance, what with lighting challenges, lamp shadow, and all. But to have her signature, and the memorial of her life's work, well ... this needed to be shared!
Brook Wallace Deaton
Wins People's Choice
Award At Texas State
Fiddlers Championship!

Please click to see a larger version.
Brook posted this photo on Facebook Sunday, April 23, 2017 and here are the words which accompanied it:
Brook Wallace Deaton shared Texas State Championship Fiddlers Frolics's photo.
It made my day being chosen as the recipient for the People's Choice Award today. Thank y'all so much.
You can see the page we did on Brook years ago by clicking here. As you may or may not know, you could hear Brook play her violin on January 20th during one of President Trump's inaugural dances. Way to go Brook!
Janet's Donation to the
Country Music
Hall of Fame
Re: Patsy Montana!

On April 6th, the day after Janet's birthday, she emailed her webmaster this exciting announcement:
We can now announce and talk about it.
I have donated my collection of PATSY MONTANA memorabilia to 'THE
COUNTRY MUSIC FOUNDATION' in Nashville. The foundation operates
the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum and they have issued a
DEED OF GIFT to confirm that they have received and accepted my
If counted piece by piece, photo by photo, negative by negative,
album by album it would number well over 400 items. Many [of
them] came into my possession through Patsy's family members
Beverly Losey (who is Patsy's Daughter) and Beverly's Son Michael (who is Patsy's Grandson) and Ruth Dennett (who was
Patsy's last Fan Club President).
Because of their friendship and their trust in me to look out for
and care for Patsy's Legacy I was able to amass this collection.
I have reached an age where I wanted to 'DONATE' my collection.
The CMA HALL OF FAME AND MUSEUM was my first choice.
In November of 2016 I contacted Mick Buck, who is the Curator there, and he immediately said "please send me everything you have on Patsy Montana," and it was then I began to gather everything up and to write an explanation as to what each item was and to why it was important to Patsy's Story.
I shipped 5 packing boxes to the HOF in late March, 2017 and I signed my 'DONOR' papers on April 5th, 2017 [Janet's birthday]. I was on 'cloud nine' when they said they wanted my collection.
Patsy's Memory will now live on.

What a birthday event! When asked for some clarification as to some of the terms she used, here was Janet's reponse:
A donor means that I 'gave' them everything and relinquished any
claim on each and every piece in the collection. "Donor Papers" have listed each of the items in the boxes. Of course some stuff is listed 'photos' [or] 'book of photos' and each piece in that case is counted as one.
I am entitled to nothing actually. I just 'gave' it all away and signed that I was the owner of it all. They do not say they will display anything but it is a possibility, which would be great.
They will be able to use it for research, educational programming, on their website, audio and videos also included so there is no telling what will become of any or all of what they now have.
It is a 'big gift' and a 'big step' for the Patsy Montana Legacy.
Thank you, and congratulations Janet for this wonderful contribution to music history!

Please click to see a larger version.
Janet later added the following:
Let's be sure to mention JANE FROST who was the lady who started the Patsy Montana Yodeling Competition and was the 'trail boss' for the entire 10 YEARS OF ITS RUN.
Above you can see Miss Frost with Patsy in Hope, Arkansas at their first meeting. She posted the photo on her Facebook page in July of 2011. Thank you, Miss Frost, for all you do for Patsy Montana!
Janet's Original Song
"A Cowgirl's Dream"
Featuring Patsy Montana
A Video on YouTube!
Says Janet: This is just finished. Mary Schutz did the work. The young girl is Mikki Daniel.
Check out all of the clips of Patsy which are some of the stuff we pulled from the 16mm and 8mm film in her closet. Just too cool.
You can view this video by clicking here.

You can see what Mikki wrote about Janet in her "First-Quarter" 2014 Newsletter on our new Mikki Daniel tribute page here.
There are, obviously, many things to add about the making of this video. As with the new CD above, that information will be coming soon. In the meantime, you can see what Janet wrote about the creation of her song "Yodeler's Dream" (posted on Roy Tucker's website) by clicking this link.
Mesquite Opry DVD!

Janet's friend and biographer Mary Schutz created a DVD with clips from various Mesquite Opry performances! By clicking either photo above and below you can get larger views.

Janet's Appearance
at the Gene Autry,
Oklahoma Museum
July 30, 2016!

Please click to see a larger version.
Janet had announced on Facebook that she would definitely be attending the Gene Autry Museum per the above poster. Just click the image to get the details.
Janet's Appearance at
The Texas Heritage Festival!

Janet announced beforetime that: I will be with the Cowtown Opry Saddle Pals and Buckroos at a performance from 10 AM to 3 PM on June 4th at the Heard Museum in McKinney.
This engagement is called the "Texas Heritage Festival," and you can get more information by clicking here. Congratulations Janet on yet another event for 2016!
Ezrah Noelle
Little Big Shots!

Please click to see a larger version.
On Sunday, April 17, 2016, Ezrah Noelle did appear on NBC's "Little Big Shots." On April 15, Janet had posted the following on Facebook:
Be sure to watch little big shots on NBC this Sunday. They changed Ezrah's scheduled date. Singing a Janet yodel song.
You can see an excellent video of her performance on YouTube here. You can watch Ellen Degeneres introduce this segment on her daytime show by visiting this link. And you can read a Branson, Missouri article about Ezrah's appearance here.
In anticipation of Ezrah's appearance, we posted this on our Home Page:

It's been several months of keeping this "under our hats," but we can finally announce that long-time mentee of Janet's, Ezrah Noelle, will be appearing on NBC the last Sunday night of April! The picture above is a publicity photo by NBC and Getty Images.
You can follow Miss Ezrah at @Ezrah Noelle10 on Twitter, and you can visit NBC's website for the program at this link.
Below is a screen grab from a precious YouTube video of Miss Noelle posted June 8, 2011. In it she sings "Cowboy's Sweetheart" with outstanding choreography in her gestures. The link to this video is here.
YouTube user gecheek posted the video, and here are her words of description: She has so much fun with this song! On our way to Branson with it where she'll compete at National Finals and also get to sing in the Clay Cooper Show!!! She won Overall in the Country category for this act. Competing against teenagers is hard so this was a great honor!

For both these photos, you can see larger versions by clicking on them. Congratulations Miss Ezrah, Miss Janet, and all who are involved with this wonderful occasion!
Merle Ronald Haggard
April 6, 1937-April 6, 2016

Please click to see a larger version.
The world lost one of the greatest country singers of all time on April 6th. Janet had these words to say:
Merle Haggard was a special talent and he came to light at a perfect time. He and WynnStewart came along at the same time and they were close friends. They were Country and at the time when Nashville wasn't.
Nashville began changing the 'sound to what would sell. MONEY was out there to be made by publishers, and recording companies knew they had to bring the music to some new ears so 'modern country' sound began.
Buck Owens and Merle Haggard and the Southern California Sound surprised
Nashville and it took a few more years to bring about the change, but as the older
lovers of 'Real Country Music' pass away so does Real Country Music.
The Loss of Merle Haggard is a tremendous blow to his fans. His music will live forever and then one of these days someone will come along who LIKE MERLE, WILLIE, WYNN, and others won't let the 'MACHINE' change who they are, and what they record.
Success and money are wonderful but NOT if you have to 'give up' who you really are. But we all see it happen every day so 'we wait' for the next great voice to come along.
Several of Janet's mentees posted condolences in social media on the day Merle passed:
LeAnn Rimes Cibrian@leannrimes · Apr 6
Saddened by the loss of Merle. We lost a bad ass man, a great poet! I love you Merle. Prayers for his family. R.I.P.
Charlotte Autry@CharlotteAutry · Apr 6
RIP Merle Haggard.. We'll see you on the other side.. Love and prayers for his friends and family..
OkieFromMuskogee #RIP #MerleHaggard #TheHag
Along with the photo immediately below, Kata Hay had this to say:
KATA HAY@katahay
Merle.... I'll never forget my time with you.... Miss you my friend... I'll be your Mary forever.

Please click to see a larger version.
Mr. Haggard was definitely a man of Faith, as this webmaster saw him perform on Dr. Gene Scott's program years ago. Thanks, Merle, for the memories.
Happy Birthday

Janet's birthday was on April 5th! Here are her words on the celebration:
Because of Facebook, I heard from Hundreds of Fans and Friends from
all over the WORLD, and it has been amazing.
Some of my 'mentees' are now graduated/graduating from some of the best colleges in the country, which means this music, and even yodeling, will go on.
It was a wonderful day.
Immediately below is a photo from the festivities of Janet with her son Claude.

Please click to see a larger version.
Many thanks to www.pictures88.com for the lovely birthday graphic above.
Janet with Red Steagall
And the Buckaroos!

As noted below, when Red Steagall appeared at the CTO Gala March 12, 2016, he stayed and also appeared with the Buckaroos the following day. The photo above was taken on one of those days, and posted by Dawn Rae Glass Wiseman on her Facebook page. Below is a picture of Mr. Steagall with his significant other from their page.
Said Janet of the experience: We had a wonderful Gala and Red Steagall and wife Gail were wonderful.
Here is what Ms. Wiseman stated about the photo above: Gail Page Steagall thank you for sharing the night with us. — with PhilPat Ste Marie, Nolan King, Janet McBride, Teresa Lowe Walton, Mikki Daniel, Johnie Terry and Bob Terry.
And Mrs. Steagall was kind enough to respond with: What a great night! Red and I so appreciate everyone who made such a nice tribute to his life work. ....especially loved the hard work and talent of all who learned his songs and presented them so ably! We were so impressed!! God bless you all for what you do for western music.
You can see a larger size of each photo by clicking on it. What a weekend! What an honor!

Red Steagall Article
In Indulge Magazine !

Please click to see a larger version.
On March 4, 2016, CTO Chairwoman Sonya Howeth announced an article by Cowtown Opry friend Mary Rodgers. Here are her words:
Fantastic jounalist and friend/supporter of Cowtown Opry, Mary Rodgers, has done it again! She has written a compelling and enlightening article about our 2016 Gala
honoree, Red Steagall.
This past Wednesday I picked up a copy of Indulge Magazine and found the 3 page article complete with beautiful pictures. I hope you have a chance to pick one up and take a look.
The article will be run a second time on Sunday in the Star Telegram's Life and Arts Section.
A big thank you to Mary for promoting Red and the Gala for us in this way!
Sonya Howeth
2016 CTO Gala Co-Chair
You can view this piece online by clicking here. Thank you Mary Rodgers for your fine work and loyalty to the Cowtown Opry!
Janet, Mikki Daniel, and
Jeneve Rose Mitchell!

Please click to see a larger version.
Our Janet has now mentored an American Idol contestant! Below are just a few words from Janet:
I drive up to Mikki's [Daniel] house Tuesday. There is a mentee in the [American] Idol top 14 and [I am] going up there to work with her on yodeling.
Her name is Jeneve Rose Mitchell and she is a very talented 15 year old. I met her at WMA three years ago and I am very impressed with her because she is not in the 'cookie cutter category' which [is what] got her noticed.
Here is where you can view all of Janet's comments on this rather historic event--it's the very last American Idol season, and our champion yodeler Janet McBride gets to take a very small part!

On October 5, 2015, Mikki Daniel posted the photo above on her Facebook page (you can view larger versions of all pictures in this section by clicking on them) with these words:
Changing my profile in honor of this amazing, talented lady! CHUCA! YOU MADE IT! YOU'RE ON AMERICAN IDOL! Congratulations. [heart emoticon] Love you.
With Jeneve Rose Mitchell

Our Kristyn Harris posted the photo above on Instagram just recently. She commented:
Just ran across this throwback photo from November 2014, with (the AMAZING) Jeneve Rose Mitchell, which is too hysterical not to share…can you tell we have fun?? #lookatherface #JeneveRoseMitchell

Above and below are two photos posted on Facebook by Jeneve herself. What an amazing ride our Janet is on!

Janet Responds
On Facebook!

Please click to see a larger version.
As of January, 2016, Janet has her own account on Facebook! The photo above is currently her ID picture.
Being new to Facebook dynamics, she confesses to having a head that is "spinning" with the responses to the submitted photo of her with Mikki Daniel and Jeneve Rose Mitchell. She wrote personal comments in gratitude for the posts, and below is just some of what she said:
I went up to Mikki's home at the request of Jeneve's family who wondered if they could somehow connect so that I could do a little yodel coaching.
I did do just that. I spent about three hours up there with the two girls and we just had a blast YODELING.
I am so blessed to be still able to share what I have loved to do since I was 8 years old and that is to SPREAD YODEL SEEDS around the world.
These two gals are the wonderful part of the entertainment world The Lord has led me to. I am able to give my yodeling tricks and other info that a young person may find they need as they travel the same road I did at their age.
Like so many of you, I watched Jeneve on the Idol trip to Hollywood and it is wonderful to step in that life with her. Mikki also has so much going for her right now so just STAY TUNED.
This webmaster is confident that, with Janet on Facebook, there is no limit to what 2016 will bring. Congratulations to Janet and all of her constantly rising mentees!
Janet's Classic Photo
With Rosalie Allen!

Please click to see a larger version.
Janet tells the story of this picture best. Here are her words:
No female other than Patsy Montana was any bigger in the yodeling field than Rosalie Allen. [She was an] RCA VICTOR RECORDING ARTIST.
Patsy Montana put me in contact/by correspondence/with Rosalie some years before she passed away. Patsy told me that Rosalie would not answer any letters etc but that she would read them. She said that Rosalie had become somewhat shy about meeting the public.
As luck would have it, on April 22, 2001 Rosalie told John and I she would see us at her apartment in the Lancaster/Palmdale area of California.
We had a wonderful visit and she showed me these two treasured awards.
What an honor for me to be standing with that LEGEND LADY!
In my days of learning to yodel, Elton Britt, Rosalie Allen, Patsy Montana, and Kenny Roberts were the BIGGIES.

Above is the cover of the "Versatile Rosalie Allen" two CD set for a picture of her during her career. Below is a screen grab from the YouTube video of her 1952 rendition of "Cowboy's Sweetheart." You can view that video by clicking here.

Please click to see a larger version.
Mary Resek
Contacts Janet!

Please click to see a larger version.
On January 18, 2016, Mary Resek, famed Canadian yodeler and songstress, contacted Janet with some news about her new CD, and included a bit of a compliment regarding this website. How good to hear from her again! Below are a few of her words:
HI Janet..
Hope all is well,,, [here is some] music
First my second album, which started back in 2009, finally, finally got done and is released.. If you recall I recorded your song "Gospel Yodel" on it..
I've also recorded a song about Alzheimers, written by Lonnie Ratliff and [it] has taken a life of its own.. It became a bonus track on the album and some explanation of it is on the inside liner of the CD..
On another note, I've been following Kacey Musgraves' carreer and am so very happy for her that she has been successful up to this point and has kept REAL country music alive..
I first discovered her through your website and she was only 14 at that time.. so that was special..
Thanks again Janet for writing such a good Gospel song..
Take Care,
You can visit Mary's website at www.maryresek.com and her Facebook account at www.facebook.com/maryresek. Congratulations to you, Miss Resek, and thank you so much for contacting Janet!
Janet's Songs on
New CDs
By Paula Williamson!

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In October of last year, Ms. Williamson announced to Janet that she had created a "double yodel CD." On it will be two of Janet's songs: "Where The Yodel Came From" and "Swiss Cheese Yodel." Congratulations both Janet and Paula! And thank you, Ms. Williamson, for choosing Janet's songs!
Originally Posted 2015
DVD Photos
Of Janet!

Janet has appeared in more than one movie which has been turned into a DVD. The photo above is a screen grab from "Dale Evans: Beyond the Happy Trails," taken from her conversation at the end of the film. You can learn more about this DVD by going to our Dale Evans page here. All three pictures in this section will give larger version when you click on them.
Below are screen grabs from the Mesquite Opry performance dated May 14, 1988. My what memories they bring back to this webmaster! In the first, Janet appears with singer Jamie Shipman. Please note how much fun we had back in those Mesquite Opry days!
Janet in New ACMA
History Book!

Please click to see a larger version.
On November 10, 2014, Janet sent me this exciting news:
The ACM's have released a 50 Years Book.
My copy arrived today. Hard cover 10x12 Beauty. Awesome. My 1963 photo receiving the 1963 Female Artist Award full page With Tex Williams presenting it to me,
Full page of young Tommy Wiggins in his Nudie Suit, the photo of all of us holding the award at the table with Glen Campbell in front, photo of Biff Collie presenting me, Jeannie Seely and Betty Foster 1964 Award and the great 1964 group photo of the awards and some of my interview with Lisa Lee.
Wow Wow. I am so thrilled. You can find a picture of it in their site.
Lots Of stuff has happened in my life but I never thought this would happen.
The book is over 200 pages And lots of years of stars BUT I'm in it!
Amazon.com has the book with pages showing. They left off the full page of me and Tex but it has lots with me in it.
Just went to Amazon.com academy of country music book and up it came
You can see this book on Amazon by clicking here, and there you can "look inside" and see some of what Janet just described.
Congratulations Janet!
Janet's Song "Mama"
Now a Video!

We just put together a video of Janet's song "Mama" with various photos of her mother through the years. You can see that video on YouTube by clicking the photo above. You can stream it from our own server with a computer by clicking here.
Says Janet: Mama lived to be 92 years old and although she never heard this song, I know she's smiling down on me each day. All of us kids loved our Mama.
New Mikki Daniel Page!

Please click to see a larger version.
We've added a new tribute page for yodeling champion Mikki Daniel, one of Janet's mentees who has risen to Champion Yodeler status on many fronts. She is also the featured model in Janet's new video of "A Yodeler's Dream," with Patsy Montana (mentioned below).
You will see an explanation regarding her photo with Katharine Ross (above), as well as more photos, information regarding a recent concert, and links to her website and Facebook page.
Links to her tribute are now on the bottom of each of our website pages. You can see it by clicking here. Thank you so much, Mikki, for all you've done and all you're going to do!
Ginny Mac On

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A former Buckaroo, and mentee of both Janet and Devon Dawson (though mostly Miss Dawson, according to Janet), Ginny Mac is on the rise in her career. She appeared on CMT's "A Cowboy Country Christmas," which was broadcast in 2003 and hosted by Clint Black. Janet's number "Santa's Yodeling Song" was featured in that show.
On September 3rd, 2014, AccordianAmerica.com did a very nice write-up on Ginny. You can see it by going to this link. Congratulations Ginny Mac for all your success!
LeAnn Rimes Performs
On MDA Telethon 2014!

Please click to see a larger version.
LeAnn sang this year on MDA! In fact, she closed the show! You can see that performance on YouTube by clicking here. Says the description on that YouTube page:
Published on Aug 31, 2014
Alyssa Milano, star of the ABC hit series "Mistresses" Alyssa Milano introduces a special tribute to America's Heroes - firefighters - by Grammy winner LeAnn Rimes.
Way to go LeAnn, MDA, and our Janet for her decades-long service as mentor to so many!
Happy Birthday
LeAnn Rimes!

August 28, 2014 is LeAnn's thirty-second birthday! The photo above is from her "Blue" video, and was used in VH1's Twitter feed to advertise "The LeAnn and Eddie Show" on that network.
LeAnn will sing her song "Give" on Sunday, August 31, 9/8c PM on the MDA Telethon. Here is a link to an article which gives some details.
Congratulations LeAnn, and have the most wonderful of birthdays!
Janet's Friends at the
2014 CMT Video Awards!
On Wednesday, June 4, 2014, CMT broadcast their annual Video Awards show, and four entertainers attended who have connections to our Janet!
Kacey Musgraves and Lee Ann Womack sang a duet to honor Alan Jackson, and you can see two photos of them above. Amber Carrington was in the audience with her date, Dran Michael of Dran Michael Productions.
The following day, LeAnn Rimes cut the ribbon for the opening ceremonies of CMA Fest, 2014. She tweeted: Thx country fans @CMAFestVIP for the best time I've ever had at CMA Fest. Loved seeing you all. Thanks for all your love and support.
That same day, Kacey tweeted: Wake up. Eat food. Play show with @AlisonKrauss and @willienelson. WHAT IS LIFE?!
As most people know, Janet either mentored or helped in some way LeAnn Rimes, Lee Ann Womack, and Kacey Musgraves. Amber Carrington appeared as a star at the Rodeo City Music Hall, which often featured Janet and was held at the same building as was once her Mesquite Opry. Congratulations to all involved in these beautiful careers.
You can bring up larger versions of any of the photos immediately above by clicking them.
Janet Featured In
Cowtown Opry Video!

Please click to see a larger version.
Janet said: "this is a project a couple of kids did for their school 'special assignment.'" It is quite interesting, and features Janet as a spokeswoman. You can see the video, posted by Moose and Goose on YouTube, by clicking here.
Janet Throwback Photo
With Chandler Bennett and
Kacey Musgraves!

Please click to see a larger version.
When we did a blurb about Chandler Bennett visiting Amber Carrington, Janet sent the above photo with the following message:
Got to thinking I had a photo from 2008 of Chandler and found that Kacey was in it also. Amber was at that show as well.
From the Mentees Section, September of 2014
LeAnn Rimes and
Husband Eddie Cibrian on
VH1 This Summer!

Please click to see a larger version.
Our LeAnn is being featured with her husband Eddie in a special reality show "LeAnn and Eddie" on VH1 this summer on Thursday nights. You can visit the website for that show by clicking this link. It is a fascinating look into their relationship, chemistry, and sense of good humor!
Mikki Daniel
New Logo!

Please click to see a larger version.
Mikki Daniel sends out emails to her Email list with announcements of upcoming events. The most recent included the logo above, which was new to this webmaster.
You can join Mikki's email list, or send her an Email yourself, by clicking on the picture below.

Kristyn Harris
In the News!

Please click to see a larger version.
Kristyn stated on Facebook that she was in the news, then gave a link to a nice long article on her with the picture above. You can see that article by clicking this link. Congratulations yet again Kristyn!
Kristyn Harris
August, 2014 Schedule!

Please click to see a larger version.
Kristyn just announced on Facebook that her friend Doug Grady is making these beautiful graphics each month to announce her itinerary. Way to go, Kristyn!
Mallary Hope
Is Expecting!

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Mallary Hope recently announced that she and her husband Ryan are expecting! Congratulations to the happy couple!
Kacey Musgraves
In Glastonbury, England!

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Our Kacey visited Europe in June and performed there. You can see a video of her with her boyfriend singing "Merry Go Round" by clicking this link. Nice going, Kacey!
Fall, 2013
Jamie Shipman Kassab
And Dr. Bruce Kassab!

Jamie Shipman (her maiden name) was a regular with the Mesquite Opry, and sang with her dad and other family members. Now she is married, and singing with her husband and family as "Classic Country Gospel Celebration."
This webmaster ran into both Mr. and Mrs. Kassab at the post office recently, and they graciously gave consent to post these copies of their flyer on our site. You can see slightly larger versions by clicking on them. Also, you can visit their website by clicking here. Congratulations, Dr. and Jamie Kassab, on all of your success!

The Zepp Family Band!

Please click to see a larger version.
On November 6, the Zepp family contacted Janet and requested information on the authorship of "The Gospel Yodel." They announced their intent to include it on their new CD, and sent a sample of their version.
Said Janet of the young lady singing the song: "she sounded just like me!" You can visit the Zepp Family Band's website by clicking here.
Janet's Recent Photos!

Please click to see a larger version.
This picture of Janet with actress Roberta Shore was taken by Roy Tucker at the October Dallas Gene Autry Fans lunch in Allen, Texas. Says Janet:
Roberta Shore used to sing on the Squeekin Deacon's show in the 1950's just like I used to do.
She has been an actress for lots of years and came to our luncheon on Friday Oct. 11th.
Sweet lady.
Upon seeing this photo, Janet's friend, Yodelin' Juderbugg, emailed the following:
Oh my goodness...what a great picture Janet!
I remember The Virginian TV show so well, with Roberta, who played Betsy, Doug McClure, James Drury, etc! (The Men of Shilo) :)
Ahhh the good ole days. You two ladies look so pretty!!!!
Thank you so much for sending this!
Love you gals........Judy
Thank you, Mr. Tucker, for sending this in. You can see other portraits from the gala by clicking here.

Please click to see a larger version.
Said Janet: This is me with my Award. It is very heavy, made from solid Oak, and quite impressive for sure.
Janet received this trophy from the National Cowboy Symposium & Celebration group on September 5. You can visit their website by clicking here.
Janet's Award in
Lubbock, Texas!

Janet McBride and Washtub Jerry will each receive the AMERICAN COWBOY CULTURE AWARD on September 5th in Lubbock Texas.
This is the 25th year of the AMERICAN COWBOY CULTURE ASSOCIATION presenting their award, and this year there will be a total of 13 recipients, since it is a special year for them.
Jerry's award and Janet McBride's are in the category of WESTERN MUSIC:
Jerry for 'His many years of providing his unique bass accompaniment for many of the top western musicians and entertainers'...
and Janet for 'One of the top singing and yodeling cowgirls of all time in the U.S.; and for her help with young girls, a number who have become great singers and yodelers.'
Both Janet and Jerry are thrilled and will accept their awards in person in Lubbock.
This award will be presented by the National Cowboy Symposium. You can go to their website by clicking here. Below are some of Janet's words regarding this event:
I have been notified that I will receive a another Award in Lubbock on September 5th at the Cowboy Symposium.
I will spend Wednesday and Thursday [there], and sing two songs at the presentation.
Janet first learned of this event in January, 2013, and, due to her humility, only released a few more details in June. Now we have the press release above giving the exact nature of the award. Congratulations, Janet--you've earned it.
April 30, 2011
When these events involving Carin and Alyse first happened, it was shortly after Janet's husband John Ingram had passed. We mentioned them briefly on our Home Page at that time, but immense grief would allow for little more. We are now placing them here for more permanent perusal.
Carin Mari

Congratulations to Carin for her appearance on the 29th Annual Country Showdown National Final January 13 at Nashville’s Ryman Auditorium Hosted by LeAnn Rimes!
From Janet:
She didn't yodel in the competition but sang original songs. She attended the Janet McBride Yodel Camp in 2004 and WON the Patsy Montana International Yodeling Competition in 2004. She is a beautiful young lady now and I am thrilled that I was a mentor along the way. I wish her much continued success in her career.
Alyse Eady
Congratulations also to Alyse Eady on winning First Runner Up at the Miss America Pageant Saturday, January 15th, 2011 on ABC!
From Janet:
Did you see that one of my mentees from way before we were putting them on the web site is Miss Arkansas and will compete on Saturday Night on ABC for the finals of Miss America? Alyse Eady is her name and it was way back but none the less, she was one of my 'youngsters'.
It was [strictly] over the phone and with tracks when she was still a 'young teen' and wanted some tips 'on yodeling'.
She is so fun to watch. She is a darling girl and very talented. I didn't do all of that.
I got this [video] link from Patsy Montana's daughter.
From the webmaster: that video appears to be dated 2007. You can see it by clicking either of the pictures above.
Johnnie High

Please click to see a larger version.
Sadly, Johnnie High passed from this life March 17, 2010. Janet appeared with him November of 2009, and immediately below are the words she wrote December 9th, 2009. Beneath those is the link to a news article announcing his departure, and one to his website.
"This photo was taken 11-14-09 at the Reunion Show in Arlington.
"In June of 1979 Johnnie put me on The Grapevine Opry Show which was the engine that brought me back to the stage after I stepped down in 1973. I give this man so much credit for my career from that day until now.
"He certainly is a mentor to me."
Passing of Johnnie High
Website of Johnnie High

Please click to see a larger version.
Above is a scan from the Dallas Morning News with a photo of Johnnie and LeAnn, probably dated 1989-90.
Janet and John at the
Dallas Aboretum

For the spring of 2008, Janet and John were honored by Public Events Coordinator Ms. Ruthie Rogers to be featured entertainers at the prestigious Dallas Arboretum. Here are a few photos sent in by Janet from those appearances.
Please click on the photos in this section to bring up a larger copy of each.
Janet, John and Western Celebs
at AWA Awards!
Janet and John attended the Academy of Western Artists Awards for 2007 on August 7th. Chelsea Beck won Yodeler of the Year, and below are pictures of Chelsea, as well as Janet, John, and so many others.
Special note: Art Greenhaw, former Band Leader at Janet's Mesquite Opry, also won with his Light Crust Doughboys for Western Swing Duo or Group.
You can find a complete list of 2007 AWA Award winners here.
Janet, John and Celebrities
at Festival of the West!
Janet and John visited Festival of the West in March of 2007, and hob-nobbed with quite a number of fellow celebrities.
Below you will see, on the right, the ever colorful John with also colorful Ruth Buzzi. Next to them is a group picture of (from left to right): Janet, Johnny Western, Rollie Stevens, our John, Lynn Anderson and Jeannie Campbell.
Janet's New CD!
Janet sent me an electronic copy of the liner notes, or "J-Card", for her Honky Tonk Ballads And Classic Yodeling CD. The pictures included are of much better quality than simply scanning the printed J-Card, so ... here ya go!
Janet Hosts the 2007 Gene Autry Summer Jamboree!
Janet Wins the AWA 2006
Yodeler of the Year Award!

Janet and Chelsea Beck

Ticket to the AWA 2006 Awards Show

When Janet emailed me some pictures of Cassidy Graves at the Grande Ole Opry, she wrote: I think you have a photo of me 'years ago' with Roy Clark, but this isn't about me, I quickly responded that no, I didn't have such a photo! So Janet kindly sent me a copy.

Click for larger version.
You can see the Cassidy Graves photos on our Tribute page for Cassidy.