Ermal and Paula co-star in the John Wayne with America's Yodeling Sweetheart Show at Branson, Missouri.
Ermal can imitate John Wayne or Gary Cooper, and Paula can do Patsy Montana, Reba McEntire, and Lucille Ball, to name a few.
Their most recent news is as follows:
Just to let you know, Duke has a Birthday Party coming up, May 26th [2007] and we will be celebrating it for 3 days in Eagar, AZ at his Bar 26 Ranch.
Hope to see you there.

Ermal is a movie actor of some reknown, listed at (seen by clicking the screen capture above). His most recent role was as the President of the United States (pictured above left) in the June, 2006 release of "The Black Hole" on the Science Fiction channel.
His partner Paula claimed an acting honor herself in 2006.


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In March, Janet received a fax from Hungry Man, Inc., a California talent agency, requesting female yodeler candidates for a TV commercial. Janet responded with a list of 4 or 5 suggestions, and Paula made the cut!
On May 14, when the commercial had finished production and began appearing in various locations throughout the U.S., Ermal emailed his fan base:
Just to let you know that the lady on the new U S Cellular commercial who yodels is the half of my show, my partner, Paula Cravens [now Paula Williamson, Duke's new bride]. Yep - she's the mother who yodels for her kids to come to dinner.
She's America's Number One Female Yodeler, America's Yodeling Sweetheart - and she makes our show.
Happy Mothers' Day - ya'll.

Previously, on March 27, Paula wrote Janet a brief account of what occurred:
To Janet,
Thank you SO much!! For suggesting me for the commercial and going to all the trouble to find me!!
I just got back yesterday from Hollywood, CA. I've never been in a plane or to CA, but I sent them a video and they called me, set up a callback performance via phone and had it taped at a local tv station and had that tape overnighted. Then they called me two days later to ask if I would be available to come to CA the next week.
So, I went, by myself, and had the time of my life, was treated like a million and had a ball!! The agent who put it all together asked for my permission to submit my video for other occasions too. She told me to be ready because I seemed to go over well. It was so much fun and everyone was incredibly nice. Maybe this will help yodeling and western music become even more popular.
So, look for me on TV. Thanks again!! I will treasure this adventure for the rest of my life!! The next time we meet in NM or wherever, I'll treat you to dinner and tell you all about yodeling in Hollywood!!
Thanks a million,

To Google Ermal, just click here, and for Paula here.
We hope to have more photos and information on this tribute page in the near future. For now, we'll sign off the way Ermal ("Duke") ends a few of his emails:
"Have a great day, Pilgrim!"