DECEMBER 22, 2010!
Said Janet in an Email to the webmaster: I am sure someone will send an email that will have your name on it but wanted you to hear from me that...
My John passed away yesterday afternoon [December 22, 2010] here at the house. We had been to the ER but after a few hours they sent him home with meds for infection but I think he had a seizure or heart attack about 4pm.
Nothing anyone could do. EMTs came etc., grandson in law was on the floor with him doing CPR but I think he was gone immediately from the attack or seizure.
I am fine. Lots of family here. He had willed his body/as have I/to the Southwest Medical School so there will be no service.
I'm fine. Me

I received the above message December 23, 2010. On December 24, Christmas Eve day, Janet sent the following to some special friends. She let me see a copy of it.
Hello to each of you,
I am aware that some of you might have been on someone's list and have received this message but each of you are special and I didn't want you 'not' to know.
My John passed away on Wednesday afternoon. Sudden, fast and probably best however, it doesn't change the fact that John is gone.
I have family near/actually as close as across the street so I am ok. John willed his body to science as have I and my son stayed at the emergency room until someone from the Southwest Institute School etc. came for him.

Please click to see a larger version.
Photo by Darrell Miller
There will not be a service since the family was due to be here for Christmas and I am not sure I could have done that anyway.
John was the most special of people and the perfect partner for me as I am sure you all noticed. He was funny, he was a ham, which he turned into I think just to be noticed because 'as he said 'it was always about me' then he'd laugh because he loved it that way and devoted 34 years of his life to make sure that it 'was' that way.
Each of you touched his life and of course mine but especially his. He loved how his life turned around by being with all of y'all including everyone he met in the entertainment business.
Thank each of you for your love and support. Janet

Please click to see a larger version.
Lori Lloyd, frequent correspondent on behalf of the Rodeo City Music Hall, wrote a very nice article about John's life. That article is, unfortunately, no longer online. Above is one of the photos used when it was published.

You can see a .pdf copy of the printed article by clicking this picture above.
Thank you, Lori (the authoress).

Pat Boileson, Fan Club President, sent the following words:
Dear Friends,
It is with great sadness that I write this letter on behalf of the Janet McBride Fan Club.
On December 22nd, Janet’s husband John Ingram passed away after a very short and sudden illness. He died at home which is where he would have wanted to be.
With John’s passing, some of the laughter has left our lives, because where John Ingram was, there was laughter. But….John’s antics, his humor, and his jokes will always remain with all of us.
Although his death leaves an empty spot, in a way I am rejoicing, because those diseases that threatened to take away his activeness lost the battle…..Diabetis, leading to Kidney Failure, Total Blindness, and Stroke did not get to claim him. God saw to it that he slipped from this life into Eternal life with dignity, and for this we can be grateful.
John chose to give his body to Medical Science, knowing that this final gesture may lead to who knows what advances in so many diseases.
We will all keep Janet in our prayers. Her faith in God and her amazing determination will see her through. But, especially during this holiday season, we extend our heartfelt sympathy to Janet and her family. We pray that the celebration of Christ’s birth may in some way offer comfort to those who love John. A dedication to John will appear in the regular News-letter.
In spite of the loss of John Ingram, it is the hopes of the Janet McBride Fan Club and Janet herself that your holiday season and the New Year be blessed.
Pat Boilesen
Former Fan Club President
John Ingram
Always Remembered