The Year 2016
Kata finally re-greeted a national television audience at the beginning of 2016 with her appearance on NBC's "The Voice." Below are the posts we put on our home page at that time. They are presented with the most lastest postings first. Enjoy!
2004 Throwback Photo of Janet and Kata Hay!
 Please click to see a larger version.
As most of Janet's fans who follow "The Voice" on NBC know by now, our Kata Hay only made it through the April 13th broadcast, sadly. But we are still proud as punch of her appearance and over-the-top performances.
Janet wrote this before Kata's appearance: I hope Kata survives the cut tonight but it is all on the votes and I just can't judge that stuff. Being on that show has given her some experience 'world wide' and that is
something she could never have had and there is no telling what it will to help her in
the business. She is 28 years old and I hope she has a path in mind for her future.
Above is a photo that Janet sent, which is most likely from the Rex Allen Days Festival in Wilcox, Arizona during October of 2004. Pictured are Kata, Lowell Lydic, and Janet. Kata was gorgeous then, and she's gorgeous now. Way to go Kata Hay!
Kata Hay Scores Again On The Voice!
 Please click to see a larger version.
On Monday, April 4th, Kata advanced another round on "The Voice." You can see the video of her performance by clicking here. The YouTube notes from that page state the following:
Published on Apr 4, 2016 Kata Hay delivers a fiery performance of a Reba McEntire song to stay on Team
Congratulations, Kata, and keep it going!
Kata Hay Rocks NBC's "The Voice!"
 Please click to see a larger version.
The uber talented Kata Hay, whom we've featured on this website for many, many years, broke out nationally (again) on February 29 when she took the stage on NBC's "The Voice." Said Janet on the 22nd:
This news had to be kept a secret until authorized by the network. Kata's alliance with Janet in both singing and yodeling is a long-standing one. For example, above is a photo with Janet, Kata, Chelsea Beck, and several others at the Gene Autry Museum in Gene Autry, Oklahoma--taken back in 2004.
 Please click to see a larger version.
You can see Kata's debut on YouTube by clicking here. Congratulations, Kata! Your perseverance over a lifetime paid off.
May 11, 2015
 Please click to see a larger version.
On May 11, our Kata Hay was sitting near the front row in the audience of "The Voice," cheering on her friend Meg Linsey. The TV camera spotted her, and a Mr. Dave Burke did a screen grab, posting it on Facebook the next day. Good going Kata!
April 20, 2011

Kata Hay is now married to Robbie, and the two of them enjoy a blistering career. Their latest gig is the "Hatfield and McCoy Dinner Show" in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee (you can see that website by clicking here).
As you can see below, Kata has also been on TV with "Let's Make A Deal" and "The Jay Leno Show." You can click either of the three photos here for larger versions, and you can click either the Twitter or Facebook logo below to go to her pages on those sites. Congratulations Kata and Robbie for yet even more success!


Kata used to send out news and information Emails to those who subscribe. We included them on this page so you could follow her earlier career's progress. To get these in your own Email, please click here.
From: haybits@katahay.com Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006
3:14 PM Subject: Haybits Update: CD IN THE WORKS!!!
Hey there everybody!
Wanted to update ya'll on what's going on... Been doing a few gigs in South
Carolina and North Carolina, Robbie and I did a duo opening act for the McCamies
last week... And got to play during Bike week with The Blaze (my band which
consists of Robbie Helton , bass and Kenny Bohling , guitar/banjo, and of course
myself) about 3 weeks ago... this next month have a few gigs booked with the
band in NC, so things are getting rolling...
GREAT NEWS, we have officially
started recording the new cd now, and its sounding great... Different than
anything I've ever done, but its all originals except for a Johnny Cash number
and a couple of gosple tunes... I'm super excited about it... I am calling it,
Western Swingabilly with and edge... catchy no? haha..... that's about the only
way to describe it, but I really really think ya'll are gonna love the new
I have to run for now just wanted to let ya'll know, yet again, I'M STILL ALIVE AND KICKIN'! Love ya! and thank you sooo much for your
HayBits@aol.com Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2005 5:55 PM
Subject: HayBits News:
Sorry its been so long!
I was so, so, so busy at the Fiddlers Feast.... Anyway just sending an email out
to let all ya'll know what I'm up to these days... I just got back from
Nashville, and actually turnin' out I should have a gig at Tootsies on their NEW
FACES show in January... I thought that was pretty cool, alot of the greats
played there when they were nobody, just like I'm nobody :-D... I'm not working
at the Fiddlers Feast anymore, it was a great experience and I learned ALOT, and
I'm thankful for that... But I'm learning even more now, its rough tryin' to
make it as a singer/songwriter/musician... Especially in an area where there is
so much compitition (GOOD compitition).... Ain't near as many musical people in
Oklahoma! There EVERYWHERE here...
So now the plan
pretty much is workin a regular job (Red Lobster, gotta love them cheesy
biscuits!) and trying to get some gigs, and get my band started... THAT'S RIGHT,
I'm starting a BAND finally... technically its me, and two other people right
now... but tryin to hunt downa drummer and maybe another guitar player... Gonna
do some good ole western swing, and some of that old country I love, and some
rockibilly stuff... It's gonna be great I think... alot of fun!
Okay some of you
are probably wondering what in the world has happend to katahay.com...
explanation, I don't have webspace anymore... the site was hosted by a friend of
mine, and he didn't renew... so I have to find somewhere else to host it... and
plus hook up my computer and get it working again (on a friends comp. right
now)... So as soon as that gets done we'll be up and running again!
I'll write again soon
as I get some more info on what's going to be going on, and I get my new
album up and running, I've written alot of new, and I think pretty good
material, it will probably be all originals....
Hope ya'll have a MERRY CHRISTMAS, and a blessed new year!
Kata Hay
HayBits@aol.com Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2005 2:18 PM
Subject: Hay Bits Update: HOWDY YA'LL!!!
Well things are coming along now, we have an
opening date for the public, May 27th... Plus we're also having a Sevier County
week, and a friends and family show before then... So I'm excited! We've been
recording commercials for tv, and radio, billboards with our pictures are going
up, magazine and newspaper articles, and tons of radio appearances... People
recognize us just walkin' down the street here, its crazy! Along with all the
hard work though, I've been having fun with friends from work, yet again I can't
say it enough, I'm so lucky to be working with such a great group of people!!!
This Friday I'm actually heading to California, stop of in Arizona to pick up a
tall dark and handsome cowboy to help me make the drive back to Tennessee...
That's right, my lovely sister is giving me her car, and Ryan has offored his
traveling accompanyment services too... Good to have people who love ya! Anyways
so be prayin' for us to have a safe trip, cuz goodness knows its going to be a
long one!!! Well I best be going just wanted to let ya'll know what was up,
HayBits@aol.com Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2005 1:28 PM Subject: Hay Bits Update: Fiddlers Feast
Howdy everyone from Sevierville, TN...
Well things are going great here... I can't tell you how privaliged and
blessed I feel to be apart of this group... There are 9 other people in
the group, and I love each and everyone of them... There is Robbie Helton,
the bass slapin', rockabilly, barrel of fun part of our group... Cori Jo
Adams, the blonde bombshell, fiddle playin', sing her heart out
sweetheart... Kerensa Joy, our main little songbird with a voice that will
make you wanna listen to her all day, I don't think I've ever heard anyone
sing SO sweet... Brandon Truman, the most instrumentally talented as far
as the show goes, because in the show he plays mandolin, banjo, guitar,
and bass, kind of our utility man for when people are off, and pretty darn
funny too!!! Blake Hopper, former Tennessee State banjo champion, and just
a PURE-D fun feller... Dave Cantrell, our music director and reminiscent
of the style of Vince Gill's singing, absolutely gorgeous voice, he also
plays mandolin for the group... Matt Schular, our groups very own
hearthrob, not to mention a voice to die for!!! Weston Morgan, our groups
parimedic, haha that's what he was before he came here, I think he's a
good thing to have around ;-), he's also an amazing singer with a down
home voice, and not to mention a fantastic fiddle player... And last but
certainly not least, Uncle Bud Beasley, the mouth of the south, and one of
the funniest and most talented fellers I've ever known! Besides that there
is also a 3 peice mountain band, THE LOST MILL, that opens for us and also
their fiddler, Bobby Bentel plays on our show when we need an extra
fiddler... Joan And Jerry are the other part of the group and they are a
major help and blessing to our group... Now ya'll need to come down to the
show, just call 1-888-FEAST... AND if your from outside of TN, call
1-908-888-FEAST... or go to http://www.fiddlersfeastsuppershow.com
... Anyways we have been playing at different events to warm up for our
show, and we are now, PRAISE THE LORD!, taking reservations for Labor Day,
whooo hoooo... But we're hoping the theatre might be open before that...
Can't wait!!! Anyways I'm gonna add some pictures of us people down on the
bottom so hope you enjoy, get back to ya'll soon as I can!!! GOD
Love, Kata
HayBits@aol.com Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2005 2:52 PM
Subject: HAY BITS NEWS: Correction...
Correction from the last email... MEMORIAL DAY, not Labor Day ;-) I
get them mixed up!!!
Love, Kata
Kata Hay Took The Job In Pigeon Forge Tennessee!
From: Janet McBride Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2004 Spread the word. Kata has taken the job in Pigeon Forge Tenn. She will start in February after she returns from Australia on Feb. 14th. I approve. She had told me this was a year contract and that the money was extremely good. Kata is nearly 18 years old and needs to seriously consider her career moves right now. She will be seen by many who can help her advance. She will be a part of the Mountain Legacy Band at the Fiddlers Feast Dinner Theatre. I am quite sure John and I will make time to go to Pidgeon Forge sometime this year to see Ms. Kata in person. Kata's website is www.katahay.com. Spread this word also. I am so happy she took this job. Janet
HayBits@aol.com Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 5:15
PM Subject: Haybits Newsletter Update: Australia
Howdy Everyone,
Well it's been a fabulous 2 months since you
guys have heard from me... I spent most of it in Sunny Australia... The
land of hot blonde guitarists, and hot blonde surfers, and hot blonde
cowboys (Need I go on!?) Yes I do love that country!!! (Now you see
why!!!) LOL, no really the people are so awesome and welcoming in
Australia... If it weren't for a few things that I do so love about
America, I would SO move there... I did run into a few snags with my visa
as most of you have heard, and wasn't able to perform for the last 2
weeks... But that's alright cuz I hung out with friends and had a bit of a
vacation before my big move coming up... (Which I really think I needed,
so as I always say, everything has its plan...) I'm not sure how my songs
doing on the charts right now, any of you western folks know?! I haven't
seen a copy of Ropeburns since I've been home and don't know where else to
check... I did get a lovely email from a man who said they played my
"Until Our Trails Meet Again (Rick's Song)" at his father's funeral, and
thanked me for makin that time easier for him... I almost cried, the fact
that something I wrote could help anyone, that's what its all about ya
know!!! I've also been informed that I have been picked as the Rick Felix
Young Entertainer of the Year Award winner... Since I won't be there to
pick it up, they had to let me know early so I could have someone accept
it for me... Which I am having the very sweet Ryan Martin do for me...
(He's good for lots of things... not only does he play well, and look
good, but he can accept awards, insane!!!)... So all and all the last 2
months for me have meant turning 18 (did a wee bit of partying in aus to
celebrate nothin too wild though), and gettin a tan, and swimmin
across the ocean, singing, writting, and hanging out with friends... It
was a fabulous time!!! Shout out to all my mates in Aus, and I'll miss you
guys like mad!!! AND SOME OF YOU BETTER COME VISIT ME!!! Further more
thanks to everyone who's been sending their good luck wishes to me on my
move and new job, I'm super excited and think it will be a great
experience... :-D... AW YA! Ya'll should check out the newest issue of the
"Western Way" it has the nicest picture of me and my favorite fella (Ryan
Martin) in it!!! I was stoked when I saw it... Also saw that on Valentines
day my good friends the Obriens were on "Trading Spouses"... (I think they
shoulda been listenin to my cd while they were on the road... lil free
publicity never hurt... lil BMI money rollin' in... hahaha) Naw and the
show was awesome!!! I think they'll get some gigs out of it!!!
See ya'll further down the musical trail!!!
12/24/2004: HoHoHo and a Meeeerry Christmas to all ya'll wherever ya might be this holiday! ! ! It will be a while before I'm able to update because the 26th I'm leaving for L. A. , then on the 31st I'm flying out for Aus. . . Be gone for about 2 months then hurry back home to move to Tennessee right away. . . And not sure how long it will be before I have internet service. . . AND btw, this HAYBITS email list address WILL be changing. . . So I will be letting you know hopefully if not, You might have to go back to the site in March or so and sign up on the address if you still want to be a member! ! ! Ya'll have a happy and blessed New Year. . . And remember the real reason for this Season. . . Without Jesus, SANTA wouldn't have a job ;-). . . And to alllll a goodnight! ! ! (P. S. ) For those of you who have the new cd. . . Why don't ya go to CDBABY.com and post a review about what you think about it. . . Whether its bad or good, I wanna know! ! ! THANKS! Love, Kata
12/14/2004: Alright ya'll, its up! ! ! The new website, be sure and post on the forum or the guestbook and tell me what you think. . . . And keep it in mind it's still a work in process, and a learnin' process for me! ! ! but yep go go go! ! ! LOL, HTTP://WWW. KATAHAY. COM . . . . Love, Kata
12/13/2004: Howdy everyone! ! ! Alright well time to finally announce my good news. . . After I return from Australia on the 15th of Febuary, I'm scheduled to be in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee on the 18th. . . But no, not just for a one or two, or even a week long gig. . . I'M MOVING! ! ! ! Yeah can you believe it? ! I got an awesome job at a new 1000 seat dinner theatre there called "Fiddler's Feast". . . I'll be one of two (and the only, 2 days a week) lead female singers for a band called "Mountain Legacy"... I'll be working 5 days a week, so unfortunately for you festival go-er's. . . This means, no more galavanting to Iowa, and Texas, and Arizona etc etc all the time. . . I am gonna try to maybe hit like a couple of Saturdays over the year at big ones like maybe, Lubbock Tx. , and the AWA Awards show if possible. . . and my days off line up. . . So I can see friends and stuff. . . Just fly in and out though. . . So for those of you who have been anticipating what the good news I've been talkin about, now since all my closest friends pretty much know. . . Ya'll get to know! ! ! I'm real happy and look forward to moving. . . And I am taking the computer with me, but I'm going to be just gettin a cell, and cable modem for the computer, so my email will be changing. . . So I'll let ya'll know when it does, so you can re-subscribe on the new email. . . Also my new website is probably a day or two away from being up and runnin'. . . I think ya'll will like it, I spent daaaays working on it, so I do HOPE you will! ! ! Totally new look and all. . . So, yee-haw! ! ! I'll send out an email notice of that when its up and runnin'. . . . Alright well I'll catch ya'll later, and your prayers and thoughts are always appreciated, and your support is more than anyone could ask for! ! ! Love, Kata
12/03/2004: Howdy Everyone. . . I just got my schedule for Australia. . . And I thought I would send it out to ya'll. . . It does have practices and stuff on it too, but oh well. . . I'm too lazy to change it at the moment (As per usual ) It's crazy how busy I'm gonna be! ! ! Sigh* Work, but such fun work! ! ! Anywho it's attached if ya wanna know where I'm gonna be, juuust in case ya know some people in Aussieland! ! ! Special thanks to Leisa Bye, and Marilyn and Robert Dumesney and all the radio stations playin my new cd over there for makin this opportunity possible for me! ! ! Love, Kata Click to read the schedule.
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Janet McBride
P.O. BOX 871882
MESQUITE, TX 75187-1882
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