At Turkey, Texas
For Bob Wills Day!

Please click to see a larger version.
The end of April, 2016 was a big weekend for Janet's Mentees. Kristyn Harris and Ginny Mac both appeared at the Bob Wills Day festivities in Turkey, Texas. If the webmaster is even remotely correct, that gal standing next to Kristyn in the picture above could be Mikki Daniel.
Also, April 29 was Willie Nelson's 83rd birthday, and Kacey Musgraves tweeted her greetings. This same day was Charlotte Autry's 21st wedding anniversary. And, just days before that one, Mallary Hope announced that she was carrying her second child. Congratulations to all!
With the Light Crust
In Mesquite, Texas!

On March 31, Kristyn appeared at the Mesquite Arts Center in an outdoor concert with the Light Crust Doughboys. What a privilege to finally have her in Mesquite, Texas!
Here are some photos from that concert. With both, you can see larger versions by clicking them.

Brook Wallace and
Kristyn Harris
Headed for Branson,

Our own Brook Wallace and Kristyn Harris will appear together, with Jeanne Cahill, for five days in Branson, Missouri October 14-18, 2015! Here is what Kristyn posted in Facebook on October 13:
Bound for Branson, Missouri today to swing some cowboy music with two enormous talents, Brook Wallace and Jeanne Cahill!! I can't wait to see these two instrumentalists go to town when we get on all the harmonies, yodeling, and a plethora of insturments and energy... I'm so excited.
We have FOUR performances per day for 5 days straight (Wednesday Oct 14th thru Sunday Oct 18th) at the Riverfront Playhouse within Silver Dollar City park. We'd love you to come see us!
Plus, more very exciting news TBA :-)
#CowgirlBandAComing — with Brook Wallace.
Below is the flyer announcing this appearance. With both photos in this section, you can click to show larger versions.

Devon Dawson
Posts Photo of
Kristyn Harris!

Please click to see a larger version.
On September 22, 2015, Devon Dawson posted the photo above in Facebook with the hymn lyrics listed below. Here are her words:
Several of my friends wanted me to post this on my timeline, so they could share it... (photo of Kristyn Harris near Shoshone, Idaho this past week)
Beneath the cross of Jesus
I fain would take my stand
The shadow of a Mighty Rock
Within a weary land
A Home within the wilderness
A Rest along the way
From the burning of the noontide heat
And the burden of the day.
(from the hymn "Beneath the Cross of Jesus" by Elizabeth C. Clephane and Federick C. Maker)
Thank you, Miss Devon, for putting such beautiful words with such a beautiful picture!
With the Light Crust Doughboys!

As most people know, Art Greenhaw, who is now producer of the Light Crust Doughboys, was once band leader at Janet's Mesquite Opry.
On July 18, 2015 Kristyn appeared in concert with the Doughboys! Here are two photos, thanks to, from that concert. Both will display larger versions by clicking on them.
In the first, Kristyn appears with Art and Dion Pride, son of famed Charlie Pride. In the second, she stands next to violinist Jim Baker, a former employer of this webmaster at what was then MCI.
You can visit at this link.
Kristyn later made another appearance with the Doughboys in McKinney, TX on Aug 22. Congratulations to all!

On Summer Tour - 2015!

Please click to see a larger version.
Here is a flyer depicting the summer tour of Devon Dawson and The Outlaw, Brook Wallace, and Kristyn Harris. Facebook photos of this magnificent trip abound for those who follow any of these excellent artists. Congratulations Ladies and Gentleman!
New CD Debut!

Please click to see a larger version.
On June 4, 2015, Kristyn announced the arrival of her new CD "Down the Trail." Here are her words:
I have a big and exciting announcement to make:
I have a BRAND NEW CD, "Down the Trail", coming out on Friday, June 19th!!!
And YOU and all your friends are invited to celebrate with me at the CD Release Party, held at Songbird Live in downtown Cleburne, TX, at 7:30pm that evening.
There is no admission this is a party and I will be performing one set, solo, with refreshments provided. You may buy CDs to your heart s content :)
CD cover photo by chollatphotography
#newrelease #CDrelease #DownTheTrail #party
Congratulations yet again Kristyn!
Mentioning Janet and Kacey Musgraves!

Please click to see a larger version.
Kristyn proudly posted this photo on both Facebook and Instagram May 6, 2015. Here are the words she added which include our Janet:
It was truly awesome to meet Kacey Musgraves, with Devon Dawson, the other night! Kacey and I both grew up singing at the Cowtown Opry in Fort Worth (although separate time periods), which has been run by Devon and Janet McBride for years.
Kacey is a phenomenal and fresh songwriter, and a current country superstar, but honors her roots too... She closed her show with Happy Trails.
#KaceyMusgraves #backstageselfie
Thank you Kristyn for your loyalty to Janet and Devon as your star continues to rise!
Western Music
Association Awards!

Please click to see a larger version.
On November 30th, photographer Jack Hummel sent Janet several photos from the 2012 Western Music Awards, of which Kristyn won two. The picture above shows Janet with Kristyn Harris, Leah Grace, and Mustang Mikki.
Thank so much, Mr. Hummel!
Kristyn on

From the webmaster: in the Dallas area, the program played at 6:30pm Central on November 9th, 2012, and, unfortunately, it wasn't the one with Kristyn. Immediately below is an update from Devon Dawson forwarded by our Janet.
It [the program in question] aired sometime when we did not know it, but we can watch it anytime now.
It is show #629, and she is the second contestant.
Here's the link:

Please click to see a larger version.
Immediately above is a screen grab of Kristyn on the show, and below is the correspondence involved with this appearance. Congratulations Kristyn!
On November 5th, Kristyn sent an update regarding her appearance on the program "Figure It Out" on Nickelodeon. Here is what she said:
Just got this from one of the producers of Figure It Out.
All episodes will be pushed forward one day, which means that mine will air Friday, November 9th.
Please pass on the word!
On November 3rd, Janet sent an Email regarding that appearance. The line in capital letters was the subject of her Email. Initial information was that the episode would air on November 8th.
Kristyn has been notified of this date and time by the folks at Nickelodeon.
They did say that the exact time and date ARE subject to change so just keep up with your channel as to when it will be on. Set your recorder which is what I'll have to do cause I do not want to miss the show.
Here is the message Kristyn sent, with a link to the website.
Ms. Janet,
I just got word that my episode of the Nickelodeon show “Figure It Out” ( will be airing NEXT Thursday, November 8th [CHANGED TO NOVEMBER 9TH]! It looks right now like it will be on at 10pm Central time, but have been told that the time is subject to change. Continue to check local listings!
Spread the word!!!
Below is more information, which was first introduced over the summer.

Janet sent this email to the Buckaroos on August 25th. Way to go Kristyn!
Subject: Our friend Kristyn Harris got the Nickelodeon gig.
Hello to all and congratulations to Kristyn.
You all responded so fast and strong (to the call for yodelers) that they finally sent an email to say 'stop'. We have what we need.
I am so glad that sometimes we hear about stuff like this and I will always send it on for you kids, parents and whoever else this reaches because it is always exciting to 'have a shot' at something.
Kristyn will fly out to Hollywood/or wherever they will film on September 23rd. When they tell her the date it will be on the air, she will let us all know.
We do know she will sing her 'Yodeling Fever' original song and we also know that she will be seen WORLD WIDE.
And just think, she was one of our Buckaroos and she is still a Saddle Pal on the Sunday Cowtown Opry Shows when she isn't out of town.
Janet and Devon
The following are posts about Kristyn from Janet's Comments page during the year 2012. Enjoy!
September 21, 2012
Re: Kristyn Harris appearance...

Please click to see a larger version.
Some of you just might be able to attend this "great night out in Blue Ridge TX."
Write it down. Notice it says 'MAKE RESERVATIONS'.
Spend a great night with dinner and Kristyn Harris/our friend.
Kristyn has already performed the referenced concert at the time of this comment posting.
January 22, 2012
Re: news on Kristyn Harris and more...

Kristyn game me permission to forward this to all of you [the Buckaroos]. What a thrill this had to be for Kristyn and especially to have Chuck and Devon there also. Congratulations to Kristyn and all of the kids we know who will be on Shotgun Red's RFD-TV SHOWS THIS SEASON.
Cowtown Opry member Buck Helton 'Big Buck' is also scheduled to film the show and our past Buckaroo Chelsea Beck is also to be on the show.
I am so proud of each of our friends who will be on Shotgun's Shows this season. I know we are all proud of each of them and I can't wait to see the shows. I am sure we will have some type of notice as to when their shows will be aired.
Janet and Devon
Re: what Kristyn emailed to Janet...
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 11:38 AM
Ms. Janet,
We just got home from Nashville last night- what a trip! I’m really excited about everything we did so I’ll tell you all about it.
The Shotgun Red filming went really well – it was fun to perform on the Showboat! It is supposed to be aired in April or May. You were mentioned in my interview!
My dad and I went to see the Grand Ole Opry at the Ryman theater, which of course was a really cool experience. We toured around Nashville and did some other things, like go see the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, and Music Row, etc.
My filming was on Monday and that evening we all (me and my dad, Devon and Chuck) went to the Station Inn to go watch the Time Jumpers. Ranger Doug and Joey Miskulin were both there, as well as Vince Gill and his wife Amy Grant, and all the rest of the regular band who were each so amazing, I couldn’t get enough of it!
Devon and I each got to get up and do a song on stage with them, which was such a thrill for me, and honor… Vince Gill was right next to me, just a foot or two away on my left as I sang, and he gave me a high five afterward! My dad got some video of that performance.
I attached a couple pictures so you could see some of the stuff we did. (The pictures with Vince Gill didn’t turn out so good because we didn’t have a flash…oh well. The video came out pretty decent.)
Love, Kristyn
Here are two more photos Kristyn sent in. All four photos in this message can be clicked for larger versions.
Kristyn Harris with
Vince Gill')";>
The one below was edited by Janet's friend Juderbugg. Thank you Juderbugg!

January 5, 2012
Re: the "Shotgun Red Show" on RFD...

Did everyone catch Shotgun Red's current show?
He has a 'snippit' of each of the talent that appeared on the season's shows.
Chelsea, Alexa, Naomi and Kristyn were on for several seconds. Very fast but all were/are on.
And now, here are Janet's Notes regarding Kristyn from 2011.
November 23, 2011
Re: Kristyn Harris winning the 2011 Janet McBride Yodeling Award from the Western Music Association...

Please click to see a larger version.
Kristyn sent the following note along with this photo:
Ms. Janet,
Lori Faith Merritt took this picture at the Saturday night [November 19] awards ceremony, and thought you’d want to see it! What an honor.
Feel free to share. They gave me a certificate last night and I will be mailed a plaque as well.
Here are Janet's comments:
This is a photo taken by Lori Faith with Buckaroo Kristyn winning her award at WMA 2011. Congratulations to both of our Buckaroos Mustang Mikki and Kristyn for just 'blowing [away] the folks at the Western Music Association's Festival this year'.
Go Buckaroos.
Janet and Devon
October 27, 2011
Re: Kristyn Harris and the Buckaroos on YouTube...

This speaks for itself.
Below is the message from LarryOfTheNorth, to which Janet was referring...
Hi Janet and Devon,
I just posted a video of one of your all-stars singing her original song “Yodeling Fever”. I hope you enjoy it.
It was recorded [in] September. When I was looking on the web, it didn’t look like you had very many pictures or videos on the little Buckaroos. If people could hear and see how they have honed their wonderful talents over the years as part of the Backaroo club I’m sure they would be totally impressed. I know I am.
I love what you are doing and hope to see them perform the next time I’m in TX.
You can see the video by clicking the photo above. Thank you Mr. Larry! Later that same day, Janet sent the following...
Everyone is going to want to be associated with Kristyn Harris. She is just a young 17 years old and has recently gotten notice by Red Steagal with a personal invite to his 'big Fort Worth doings'.
She is a special talent. Her devlopment started right here, and included Devon Dawson and the Buckaroos organization.
It began when a young 'past' Buckaroo said to her 'you and Micaela' need to contact a lady named Janet McBride and she'll help you. You might even find their first email someplace around 2008. Both Devon and I are so proud of her and each new thing she does. It's a long life and she'll have a lot of ups and downs but, she'll be right there in the running real soon.
I searched the Email archives, and sure enough there is this message dated December 30, 2008. It was included with a lot of other news which, unfortunately, didn't make it to our website.
I also had one of the McKinney area kids yesterday. She is Kristyn Harris. We worked on her guitar playing and her yodeling songs. She sang me a new 'yodeling' song she has written and it is very cute and very good. It has 'potential' for sure.

Please click to see a larger version.
On January 10, 2009, Janet wrote the following about the picture above...
This one is for you to see. Use if you want but I wanted you to see how cute these four girls are. I have not met the two other girls who are sisters but I will one day.
At the time, then, Janet knew both Kristyn Harris and Micaela Howeth. This webmaster apologizes for not including these notes in 2008 and 2009. These events took place right when his computer was broken, and he was installing software and data onto a new machine. Both of these young ladies have proven to be stellar performers and leaders in their field! Thank you Devon, thank you Janet, and thank you Kristyn and Micaela!
And here are some from the year 2010!
December 18, 2010
Re: Kristyn Harris

To this webmaster's chagrin, we posted Janet's notes about Kristyn and Shotgun Red from October, but have as yet to post pictures of her. Above is her photo on the WesternMusic.Org website. You can see their description of her by clicking that photo.
With these next five, please click to see larger versions.

In this picture of "The Mustang Gang," you can see Kristyn second from left. To her immediate left is Micaela Howeth.

Here, on stage at Waxahachie, Texas April 17, 2010, is Kristyn singing solo.

Kristyn is third from the left. With her are Devon Dawson, Buck Helton and our Janet.

Couldn't leave out a photo from that same stage which includes Janet's own John Ingram!

This is Janet at home visiting with Kristyn October of 2010.
September 24, 2010
Re: Kristyn Harris and Shotgun Red
Hello to all Buckaroo's,
As you all have heard, Oklahoma Buckaroo Chelsea Beck has been accepted to be on the RFD-TV Shotgun Red Talent Show and will tape her show on Oct. 22nd in Branson, MO.
Well kiddo's, Our Buckaroo Kristyn Harris has also been accepted for the RFD-TV Shotgun Red Talent Show and will also tape her performance on October 22nd in Branson MO but they may not be appearing on the same night when they actually air their performances.
We can all be so proud of the girls. They have both worked hard and I can't wait to see them on TV in the near future. Just thought you'd like to hear this news.
Thanks to all of you, Janet and Devon