From the webmaster: the December 20 post below would be the last from Janet while her husband, John Ingram, was still alive. Its lack of foreboding demonstrates the complete unexpectedness of his passing. It symbolizes the simplicity of the life of Janet and John, and the tenderness of love between them.
December 20, 2010
Re: Local Performance
I sing today for a home where they have seniors they care for. I've done it for at least the last 3 years and it involved about an hour of my time so, we'll go again. It is in Mesquite.
It is a fun thing to do and they have treats to eat. John is into that for sure and we do like to do this type of thing.
I am on cloud nine cause I went to a local Brookshire's and found the 'apples' that make the fruit salad 'the best'. I got McIntosh but they also had Rome or Breaburn. It makes a difference in the taste.
December 18, 2010
Re: Plans for Christmas

Christmas plans are usually the same. The kids are all invited over and I cook 'ham' and a small 'turkey' with dressing with baked sweet potatoes with marshmallows and brown sugar mixed in. This year I'll make a corn dish that John likes, more like the scraped ear into a pan with milk and butter. Yum! Also the fruit salad that I make sort of along with 'Betty Crocker' from her old cookbook ... and the kids will bring their special side dishes and sweets.
December 18, 2010
Re: Kristyn Harris

To this webmaster's chagrin, we posted Janet's notes about Kristyn and Shotgun Red from October, but have as yet to post pictures of her. Above is her photo on the WesternMusic.Org website. You can see their description of her by clicking that photo.
With these next five, please click to see larger versions.

In this picture of "The Mustang Gang," you can see Kristyn second from left. To her immediate left is Micaela Howeth.

Here, on stage at Waxahachie, Texas April 17, 2010, is Kristyn singing solo.

Kristyn is third from the left. With her are Devon Dawson, Buck Helton and our Janet.

Couldn't leave out a photo from that same stage which includes Janet's own John Ingram!

This is Janet at home visiting with Kristyn October of 2010.
December 13, 2010
Re: Photo of Buckaroos in the book "The Cowgirl Way"

Please click to see a larger version.
Hello to parents of Buckaroos,
It has dawned on me that some of you might wonder how the exact photo was chosen that ended up in the new book released about two months ago by Holly George Warren 'title being' 'THE COWGIRL WAY'.
Holly George Warren started writing the book back in '2007'. Devon and I were both at the Gene Autry Oklahoma Museum in September 2007 when Holly approached us both about being mentioned in the book about 'COWGIRLS'.
It was at that meeting I gave her the newest photo of THE BUCKAROOS which is Devon's and my pet project. We didn't hear from Holly George Warren on the progress of the book until the day she emailed me on Oct 5th of this year telling me it was now out in print. At that time I had no clue what got in but I am so happy that something got in there.
I hope this clears up any questions on 'how come that photo was used' and not a more current photo with mostly all different kids. I have learned over life that stuff doesn't always happen just right so, I hope this clears up any thoughts anyone might have.

Clicking the book photo above will take you to the Amazon page where you can purchase "The Cowgirl Way."
November 28, 2010
Re: Cora Woods and Micaela Howeth

Please click to see a larger version.
Cora Woods and Micaela Howeth won the Harmony Singing contest at the WMA Festival 2010 singing 'Cowboy's Sweetheart' with yodel.
They have both crossed my 'mentoring' path.
Cora won the Youth Yodeling Contest WMA 2010.

Please click to see a larger version.
Here also is a picture of Cora and Jaydn Hollenbeck in 2007.
Micaela is from McKinney, TX and Cora is from Wyoming.
November 16, 2010
Re: Janet's Halloween experience and Thanksgiving plans

Halloween I walked around our block with about seven little kids/two Great Grand Kids and their little friends. I went with the kids just to regain the feel of
maybe being a kid again and watching them get excited just saying 'Trick or Treat' and to yell 'Car' when they started getting close to the street. I had a wonderful Halloween.

Thanksgiving will be spent with my three kids and one of John's and nearly all of their families, but we will go to the home of Mark [my son] and Kim this year. I will cook the Turkey, Dressing, Gravy and Sweet Potatoes. That's it. The others will cook the rest.
We're hanging in. me
November 7, 2010
Re: Pam Minick's meeting with the Buckaroos on November 14

Please click to see a larger version.
Hello to all Buckaroos and families,
Sunday November 14th is our regular Buckaroos Meeting Day BUT for this day only, we will have a special guest Pam Minick World Champion Cowgirl and our 2011 Gala Honoree, who will speak with the Buckaroos at 3PM.
We will start rehearsal at the usual 2 PM or as soon as we can get everyone together. The only real difference for Buckaroos is that there will be only one performance and not two like we usually do, so come dressed in your Cowtown Opry Attire for sure. White long sleeve shirt, red bandana, demim skirt or jeans, boots, cowboy/girl hat - and lets have a really good showing for Ms. Pam.
Pam Minick is known world-wide as a Champion in several areas and has been one of the top female announcers for the Rodeo Sport for many years. She is our '2011 Gala Honoree' and we would like as many Buckaroo's in attendance as possible.
Sunday November 14th. See you there, Janet and Devon [Dawson]
Re: Below is a portion of the flyer announcing Ms. Minick's appearance at the Cowtown Opry's Gala in 2011. Clicking that picture will bring up the entire flyer in larger format.

October 27, 2010
Re: Janet with Maggie Mae and friends in Branson, Missouri - as with the Chelsea Beck-related photos below, you can click on any of them to get a larger version.
Says Janet: These were taken at a breakfast with Maggie Mae. Not dressed for a show/any of us but a lot of fun.

Quoting Janet: Below is a "better photo of Lowell Lydic." You can see him between Barbara Fairchild and her husband Roy.

October 26 and 27, 2010
Re: Janet with Chelsea Beck in Branson, Missouri - please click any of the photos to get a larger version.

P ALIGN=JUSTIFY>Shane is Chelsea's boyfriend. He plays drums.

A big party of fans of Chelsea's.


Yes, everyone still has a crush on her [Chelsea]. This tall fella is Jerry Baumann. He is a fan of the music and the kids and a fan of Janet McBride.
October 26, 2010
Re: Note to Buckaroos about their picture in the book "A Cowgirl Way"

Please click to see a larger version.
Hello to all,
The new book 'The Cowgirl Way' has this photo in it. None of the kids are named in the book but the photo is so clear and it shows just how great the 'Buckaroo's look' each time we get them together.
This photo is the 7-8-2007 show. I have the names of all of the kids who are in the photo but I am not sure that we know how to contact them all still.
I have emailed Enola Gay already since her kids are in there.
I can see the Bremer Kids, the Webster kids (1 for sure) , Myka, Aria, Abbie, The Farr's but for sure it is a really clear great photo.
Holly George Warren is the author. It is $18.00 per the cover.
Love y'all, Janet
October 25, 2010
Re: Comments on her Branson, Missouri experience
Friday we were in the audience when Chelsea Beck performed her song 'Your Cheating Heart' which was sung with a lot of emotion.
When Shotgun Red interviewed her on the couch, Chelsea gave a 'shout out to her mentor Janet McBride' and then Shotgun Red said something to the effect of 'she mentored another young girl didn't she'? to which Chelsea said Miss Le Ann Rimes and others and then she was able to do a little of a 'yodeling song' so if that all gets into the show, we'll have a nice plug. Chelsea also did an outstanding job.
I will be sure to let you know as soon as they let me know as to when these shows will be aired on RFD-TV. The word we all got up in Branson is that they will air sometime after the first of the year. All of the three kids who were on last week were definitely 'noticed' and this week when Alexa Whipple is on, that will be wonderful also since Alexa has gained so much experience and poise on the stage that I expect she will make us all proud again.
October 24, 2010
Re: Photos from Branson, Missouri dated October, 2010

Please click to see a larger version.
Wow. This was my first meeting with Naomi and her Mom. Naomi is a very pretty little 13 year old gal who can 'yodel her socks off' and is so energized on stage that 'you'd have to love her' even if you didn't know her. She yodeled a Patsy Montana Original Song which would have had Patsy grinning from ear to ear. I was so very proud of her performance.

Please click to see a larger version.
This gal is as cute as can be and is having fun singing all over the country. She has gotten some great exposure on RFD-TV show MIDWEST COUNTRY. She is one of my 'yodel protégé's.'
October 17, 2010
Re: Photos from Fremont, Nebraska dated 10/1/2010

Please click to see a larger version.
Bob Everhart and Janet McBride with the Rural Roots Commission 2010 Yodeling CD of the Year Award.

Please click to see a larger version.
Janet McBride and young yodeler EM Heyden.
Says Janet: She lives in Iowa and sings very well. She wants to yodel. Just as sweet as she can be. So talented.

Please click to see a larger version.
Janet and the Kenaston Family Band.
October 15, 2010
Re: Breakfast with Maggie Mae in Branson
I have heard from more than one bunch of folks that she [Maggie Mae] says 'I learned to yodel from Ms. Janet McBride' and I am thrilled to actually be having breakfast with her in Branson and being in the audience on Wed. night at her show.
Folks are setting up the breakfast for her to be there so, we all hope that will work.
I'll take lots of photos.
October 13, 2010
Re: Looking forward to meeting Maggie Mae and seeing Chelsea Beck in Branson
We will drive up to Branson on Monday. Won't [get to] see Kristyn but on Tues. we plan on seeing Naomi. On Wed. we'll go to the show to see Maggie Mae who will be a guest in Cedar in 2011.
I worked with Maggie Mae on yodeling over the phone in 2001. She tells the world on her shows that Ms. Janet McBride taught her to yodel.
I have never met her so we're looking forward to that show. Friday we will see Chelsea.
October 13, 2010
Re: The Cowgirl Way

Please click to see a larger version.
This is the cover of the book. On page 77 right after Patsy Montana's article it says:
In [the] far northeastern state of Maine, Janet McBride began yodeling as a child in the 1940's. "It was 1942 and I was eight years old," says Janet, "and I had dreams of being the best dern country yodeler in the land." Janet and her brother and sister started a singing group in rural Maine, called the Lister Trio. Janet began recording as a solo artist in the 1960s, and her specialty was yodeling. She particularly loved the songs of Patsy Montana, and the two became friends. Janet's first hit came in 1965 with her own "Yodeling Jan." Nearly twenty-five years later, then living in Texas, Janet coached seven year old LeAnn Rimes. "When her recording of 'Blue' hit the airwaves," says Janet, "the word got out that I helped her learn to yodel and I started getting calls from young people around the country who wanted me to teach them, too."
On page 78 it has two photos of Devon Dawson and her story of "Jessie The Yodeling Cowgirl." At the end of Devon's story on page 78, [there are] the last two words and then [on] to page 79 where there is a wonderful 3 3/4 and 5 1/2 photo of the Buckaroos with me and also Devon standing on the steps with the kids.
Underneath the photo [it] says:
She and Janet McBride teach kids how to yodel at the Cowtown Opry in Fort Worth. "It is my belief, and Janet's, that most anyone has a yodeler buried deep inside," says Devon. "We also ask our Buckaroos to learn the history of their songs, for music is the expression of a people and their culture." Every year in Texas and Oklahoma, there are yodeling contests in which new singing cowgirls are discovered. Seventy-five years after she first sang "I Want to Be a Cowboy's Sweetheart," Patsy Montana's Legacy lives on in every cowgirl's yodel.
This is so nice.
October 9, 2010
Re: More mentees on the Shotgun Red Show
Just got a call from Kansas.
Alexa Whipple, Chelsea Beck, Naomi Bristow and Kristyn Harris have all been chosen to appear on THE SHOTGUN RED'S TALENT SHOW.
Kristin on the 18th, Naomi on the 19th, Chelsea on the 22nd and Alexa on the 28th.
How cool is that?
September 29, 2010
Re: Naomi Bristow writes about Shotgun Red

Hi Miss Janet,
I am heading to the Shotgun Red Variety Show thanks to you. I will be taping on October 19th and the show will be aired in January-February four times.
It is all very exciting and I can't wait to get to Branson. Is there anything that you can suggest I must do while I am there? I am so grateful to you for all your help and I would love to give you a big hug one day.
Luv Naomi
September 29, 2010
Re: Janet's husband John in Mineola

Our trip today is to add John's history with Mineola and the Star Select Theatre which is the longest operating theater still showing films and has continually since it opened in the 1930's. John's first job was at age 12 at that theatre as 'popcorn maker and usher'.
September 24, 2010
Re: Kristyn Harris and Shotgun Red
Hello to all Buckaroo's,
As you all have heard, Oklahoma Buckaroo Chelsea Beck has been accepted to be on the RFD-TV Shotgun Red Talent Show and will tape her show on Oct. 22nd in Branson, MO.
Well kiddo's, Our Buckaroo Kristyn Harris has also been accepted for the RFD-TV Shotgun Red Talent Show and will also tape her performance on October 22nd in Branson MO but they may not be appearing on the same night when they actually air their performances.
We can all be so proud of the girls. They have both worked hard and I can't wait to see them on TV in the near future. Just thought you'd like to hear this news.
Thanks to all of you, Janet and Devon
September 23, 2010
Re: Details about John's interview in Mineola
The Documentary for the Star Select Theatre in Mineola is going to interview John on Wednesday [September 29] at 10 AM and I SO want him to be included in the video.
John is included because he began his work career at that theatre when he was about 12 years old. He started as a 'popcorn' maker and usher. He worked there until he was about 15 or 16 and had progressed into a real good projectionist. He quit his job to go out for 'football' in his 9th grade. He didn't make the time and couldn't return to the theatre job so he finished the 9th grade and got his Mother to sign papers for him to enlist in what was then called the Army Air Corps. He finished school (got a GED) in the Air Corps and was issued his High School Diploma from Mineola High School a few years back. They issued diploma's to those who enlisted in the armed forces since it was 'combat time'.
August 31, 2010
Re: Preparing for October 1 award show
I've started practicing for my Oct. 1 show. This is a 'yodeling' award so I don't need to go up there and be a 'rusty old yodeler'.
August 22, 2010
Re: Note from Robert Everhart on Janet's award
Hi Janet
Bob Everhart here. Just had Pat Boilesen at our little Oak Tree Opry lastt night, nearly full house, excellent show. It reminded me that I haven't corresponded with you about your "Yodeler of the Year" award from the Rural Roots Music Commisison lately. Do you think you can make it to Fremont Oct 1-2-3 to accept?
Right now, we're off to LeMars to get the annual one off the ground, wow, 35 years. That's too long. Patti Page is a dear to work with, so is Bill Anderson.
Anyway, off we go, looking forward to hearing from you, hope both you and John are in good health.
Bob Everhart
August 22, 2010
Re: Janet announces her October 1st award
Well, lets see if I can get this right. We will go up to Fremont, NE to receive another award.
On Oct. 1, I will sing and accept the Rural Roots Music Commissions 2010 Yodeler Of The Year Award.
And I thought I didn't have anything else to do this year!
August 18, 2010
Re: Chelsea Beck!

I just received a call this evening from Chelsea Beck. She just got a call from the SHOT GUN RED PEOPLE and she has been chosen one of the 48 acts to perform on his talent shows and will go to the filming sometime in October.
Wow, this is just so good. She is super excited and so am I. This show will be seen over RFD-TV by millions of people.
This is good news. Love y'all, Janet McBride
[Editor's note: you can see a larger copy of this picture, and read all of Janet's words on this incident, on our Chelsea Beck page. Just go to the list at the upper right hand corner, and click "Chelsea and Shotgun Red."]
July 10, 2010
Re: mid-July doin's!
We went to great grandson's hockey game this morning, then went to grand daughters home and gave her her new guitar that we got her and she was thrilled. We told her years ago that we'd purchase a 'better' guitar if she learned some chords on the little one we got her. Well, she has made a good effort on the little guitar and we bought her a 'full size' guitar. A promise is a promise.
Her sister now has the other one and if she learns to play it 'even just a little' we'll do the same for her.
I'm gathering stuff for a display at the Burton's Bend Music Festival where they will be honoring me. I've pulled out some of my 'opry' clothes and the 5 LP's plus some 45rpm recordings and photo's so that we'll be 'showing off' a little' and you know I don't usually do any such thing but they are insisting.
Tomorrow Buckaroo's. A man/fan from Maryland is meeting us for lunch at the Stockyards tomorrow. He has traveled to AZ, Tucson, Albuquerque to see me before and I wasn't there each time so he will come to the Stockyards tomorrow.
A woman called me while in ARK and asked how she could obtain some lessons for her 7 year old and she will be at Buckaroo's tomorrow also. She lives in Oklahoma and heard about me from another kid I have worked with. She is in Dallas this weekend so I told her to call and I'd work out something. Well, she said she can come to F.W. tomorrow so, I'll have a busy day with a fan, The Buckaroo's and a new 'mentoring kid' to work with. YIPPPEEEEEEEEEE.
April 23, 2010
Re: May 1st Trinity River Jamboree
I will be there with Tex and Mary Schutz and I understand that Junior Knight and Paul Polish are in the band there.
April 5, 2010

Re: Janet's Easter experience.
Easter was so relaxed. Spent lunch and the afternoon with my daughter and her two girls, my grand daughters.
I didn't have to do a thing but enjoy. Quite nice and we'll eat with that same group tonight [for my birthday] after they all get home from work. Wonderful Easter for sure.
Practicing my words for the songs I will do at Waxahachie on the 17th. I am looking forward to it.
And later, about her birthday.
I just got in from leftover/wonderful stuff from the Easter dinner at grand daughter's. My daughter came and we all made a dent in the stuff and then we came home. John watching 24 so I'm going in there also.
January 23, 2010

Re: Chelsea Beck winning grand prize.
Chelsea just called me to report that she entered the Liberal Kansas Country Show Down Talent Show and won the grand prize of $1,000.
She said she will buy a Taylor Guitar. Congratulations Chelsea.
January 15, 2010

Please click to see a larger version.
Re: Kacey Musgraves and Le Ann Womack.
Hello to all Buckaroos,
I realize a lot of you don't remember Buckaroo Kacey Musgraves but many of you have heard her copies of the CD's I've given to you and you all have heard us mention Kacey various times but I have some wonderful news that was given to me this evening by Kacey's Grandmother.
I heard some of the words some time ago when she first wrote it and loved it because it was not the 'usual' run of the mill thought or idea and it is really good. I can't wait to hear the recorded version of it.
Devon and I say a big CONGRATULATIONS KACEY. You earned it.
Janet and Devon
Re: Follow-up message by Devon.
Congrats Kacey! - and I have HUGE respect for Lee Ann Womack and her choice of material, like 'Stubborn', 'I Hope You Dance', 'I'm Gonna Love You Tonight' - O man, what a Texan!! She proves it again, with a song from Kacey <):-)
btw: I never forget the time Lee Ann came on the Grand Ol' Opry one Saturday night, televised in those days on TNN and sang "Miles & Miles of Texas" -ah-hah!!!!!!!!!
January 14, 2010
Re: Keenie Word.

Please click to see a larger version.
Keenie is the 15 year old daughter of Kelli and the late Grady Word from Hermosa, South Dakota. Raised on acreage-rich in Western Heritage. Keenie comes from a Rodeo/Ranch family on both sides. Her maternal Grandfathers were some of the first Rodeo Stock Contractors in the Western States and Ranching on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Her paternal Grandparents also ranching in the Belvidere, South Dakota area and were the first to bring Rodeo Bible Camps, held at their ranch to the area. Keenie, has one brother, Jess Tierney who is a Pro Rodeo Cowboy and is partnered in the Performance Horse operation when he is not on the Rodeo Circuit. Keenie sang the National Anthem at her first rodeo at the ripe ole age of three years old. She's been hooked to the microphone ever since.
Inspired by many mentors Keenie spent time with Soni Wilcox, yodeling. Many times, Keenie was asked to go outside in the winter weather and practice her yodeling on the wild turkeys roosting in nearby trees. It paid off and with the tolerance of the listening ears of turkeys ...she mastered her yodeling songs "He Taught Me to Yodel" and "Cowboy Yodel" Keenie won the Western South Dakota Colgate Country Showdown and was a State finalist.
Keenie also has spent time pursuing her passion of singing with Ms. Linda Lee Harris from Deadwood, South Dakota. Linda sang with the Statler Brother's, Tanya Tucker and Little Jimmy Dickens. Linda, not usually willing to work with children, immediately saw the authentic drive and passion that Keenie possessed and not only worked with her but started including Keenie in her performing schedules.
And last but least, Susie McEnhtire has mentored and encouraged Keenie in her singing endeavors. Keenie loves to sing Susie's songs and Susie always makes sure that Keenie is choosing song's that are compatible for her voice.
Keenie's Father, Grady Word was tragically killed in July of 2006 when he was struck in the face by a stallion. At that time, Keenie was inspired to release her second CD, simply titled "Keenie Word" that featured a song called "Family on Both Sides" that allowed her to share the peace that she received from the Lord when He allowed her to have a visitation from her Father in a dream. The song amplifies what her Father had said to her in the dream. The Lord allowed this song to touch a lot of hearts and give the assurance that she has that there is truly another and better place in Christ, waiting for us.
Keenie along with her 2008 Titles of South Dakota Fairs and Festivals Grand Award, Colgate Country Showdown for Western South Dakota and Jr. Black Hills Idol. Keen has been invited to sing at the Gene Autry Festival for Young Country Artist. She has been performed the National Anthem at the Denver Stock Show and Rodeo, Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo, Black Hills Stock Show and Rodeo, Red Dogs Pro Football, Central States Fair, Casey Tibbs Hall of Fame, she has shared the stage with Rudy Gatlin of the Gatlin Brothers in Orlando, Florida at the age of six. For the last two summers Keenie has performed one hour Christian Concerts for the Rushmore Shadows Resort along with evening Old Country Camp Fire Music for the Summer Guests. She was a guest singer at the Cheyenne Cowboy Symposium and it was at the Symposium that she was introduced to Ms. Janet McBride. Renowned yodeler and Recording Artist who sang with Patsy Montana and many other Country Artists. Janet has also directed Keenie to the songs that compliments her style and Keenie enjoys singing songs that Janet writes.
Keenie's first CD was titled "Keep on the Sunny Side" encouraging words sung to uplift people in the world that we live in. Keenie's second CD was simply titled "Keenie Word". In the fall of 2008 she laid down a demo CD in Nashville, Tennessee and 2009 Keenie has started working on a new Country Album in Nashville with Billy Aerts, renowned song writer and producer. In the fall of 2009 Keenie won the South Dakota's Got Talent contest.
.PDF file showing latest image of Keenie Word
Please click.