There are many instances in our tour on earth where one must take a stand. Here are three examples from Cynthia's life and thinking.
Who Cares?
You can't live your life worrying about what others are saying about you... not the press, despite it manifesting a certain amount of power because of the printed words; not parents; not judgemental people... people try to find fault in all... oh, look at her nail polish colour, it's last season... who knows, who cares?
Things just are. And it is for that reason, people struggle.

Cynthia penned this approximately 25 years ago.
is the time
what shall we do today in the woods of the factories? is it our turn now to look past the wonders of our modern age and see the real wonders for all ages? shall we play up against the asbetos stock piles that now can no longer be unloaded not even to those countries "less fortunate" than ourselves? are they really that unfortunate? at least they will not die of the cancer that has engulfed this country thanks to our great fortune.

W: Any comments on the general PR regarding one of your professions ... modeling?
C: When my goddaughter went blind, a few years back, and spent time in the hospital, the bed next to hers was a constant turner of anorexia victims.
Man, felt terrible as a model, might have contributed to this.