Geme Autry's Birthday September 29, 2023

Gene Autry was born on this date in 1907. It is sad to me that, just three days later, we mourn the anniversary of his passing on October 2, 1998. An online friend of mine, and relative of Gene's, Charlotte Autry, wished me "Happy Gene Autry Day!" And I wish the same to you (you can see my tribute page to Miss Charlotte here).
Tumble, please, oh Tumbleweeds, As we remember years that fly From past, where heart-felt tear proceeds From Mexicali Rose, Goodbye. When Ridin' Down the Canyon flows, And Twilight on the Trail bestows Its gift to Home upon the Range-- Embrace Red River Valley's change While right Back in the Saddle Again, With Twilight on the Trail, no woe-- These give us all a chance to pen Sweet words of peace, with Joy to flow! © Paul L. White
Day After My Birthday September 14, 2023

I was overwhelmed, in a positive way, by so many birthday greetings on Facebook the day before. This poem is my response.
Can't help but sit, and rub this chin-- Rememb'ring yesterday's "within" Of so much warmth by those who care, And such desire to take me "there"-- To place where they most peace have found. And I do sit here, still aground With full amazement, fears aside, While soaking in the warmth-filled tide Of Gratitude, and "Cheering on," And loaned-out Strength I've come upon. 'Tis been so strong, this summer's heat, Providing club to senses beat. But oh, I'm thankful, yes I be, For "happy birthdays" tossed t'ward me! © Paul L. White
9-11 September 11, 2023

Here it is, again, again Another year, rememb'ring when It shook our souls in disbelief, And caused such pain without relief. We could not find an "end it all," A course of deeds to then forestall All chances that it might appear Once more, and cause our eyes to tear With hope forsaken. No! Let's do Whate'er it takes to court and woo Much nobler folk, who'd live in peace-- Resist, with us, the firm release Of Hatred's lust to quench, destroy. Instead, with Freedom, to employ The best, which lives in working hearts-- The best, which lofty Freedom starts! © Paul L. White
Labor Day September 4, 2023

I'm thankful for the things 'twere honed By fervent muscle, strong and toned With weekly effort to construct A meal, a home, an aqueduct. And then there're things which need repair, Or tasks which head off wear and tear, Or efforts borne to keep things clean, Or songs once penned to make serene. The cars we drive, our furniture, Machines affecting temperature, Or earth that's moved for scenery's view, Or paint evoking color's hue: So many things which fill this life Did greet our eyes from labor rife With effort, sweat, and great design-- I celebrate...with this opine! © Paul L. White
Severe Heat August 18, 2023

No internet, or land line phone, And I am ready to bemoan The lack of things I sorely need If I am truly to succeed. Complaining, though, so I've been told, Is not for men of bravery, bold. Advancing to a higher ground Means one must make no mournful sound. "The Ladies, don't you know, disdain "A male who whimpers in his pain." And so I poke my sagging ribs Then say: "you're not a man who fibs," While thinking that makes me "all right," Instead of braving vicious blight And saying: "here's what you can do "In spite of Nature's try to woo "Your spirit to all joy evade." Now slowly, thus, decision's made To sit up straight, while slouching not-- Forbidding promise be forgot That challenges we must abate, For good things come to those who wait! © Paul L. White
It Hurts To Lose August 6, 2023

U.S. Patriotism may have been a lost art at the time of this writing, but I chose to honor this U.S. Ladies' Soccer team. They fought hard for equal pay with their male counterparts, and, with proper love-nutrition, I'm sure will return to their glory days.
You sit and watch, and hope and dream, As they do play--so hard, your team. From end to end they run so fast, All while you wonder "will this last?" With "this," you mean "the scoreless game," And yes, it lasts until there's tame In fervent "shoot out," with the pinch That their team wins by just an inch. And now those days so tense are oe'er-- The days that you'd been waiting for. Your team will not yet play again In this event, with chance to win. How do you shake the heavy pain Which says: "will this great team remain?" And then you shake your head in "yes," While comes a forlorn wilderness In which you bear the weight of "loss." But, still, there needs to be no cross, For Love remains, with comfort sweet, And, with that Love, your life complete. © Paul L. White
Art's Birthday July 14, 2023

Art Greenhaw is another friend in entertainment, and I hope some day to do a tribute for him. His song "Chair That Never Got Mended" stems from a scene in the movie "King of Kings," starring Jeffrey Hunter. Even the Wikipedia article for that film includes Art's name (located here).
Still the notes do beckon me With hands held high 'bove Ivory's key While I do sit in rhapsody-- Just to hear him play. He knows sweet chords, and rhythms too, And I do yearn for frequent view Of his orchestral derring-do-- Perhaps again some day. I dare, o'er time, to call him "friend," While praising songs that he has penned; Believing message he would send With theme of "looking up." For Mary's house, unmended chair, Or times of grief--bring not despair, But rather Victory, ours to share, And with this Truth I sup! © Paul L. White
Fourth of July and Canada Day July 4, 2023

Two birthdays, here, not far apart (For Canada and USA) Do stir this fervent, loyal heart To celebrate, with some dismay. For I have friends 'tween England's shores, And how I love them, oh so much! Although I breathe through patriot's pores, I will not let resentment's touch Bestir the love I own for them. They, too, do sing sweet Freedom's song. Oh, may this day erase the hem That once between us did belong. For Canada, our Canada, And USA, a mite below, With England's source have granted a Strong love for Leeway's welcome tow! © Paul L. White
For poems written in previous years, or those written earlier this year, you can go to the pages mentioned in the drop-down list above.
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Please note: this website is not related to the "Heroes West Bar and Grille" restaurant. That enterprise can be found at