November 18, 2015
Re: Janet, Albuquerque, and the WMA Awards...

[I'm] back from Albuquerque and all went well.
I am sure you have Facebook and can see how many of our Cowtown Opry folks/adults and Buckaroos came home with AWARDS again.
It was a very good year for our people...again!
Above, you can see Janet's pose with the ever present Kristyn Harris. She won Female Performer of the Year, among others. Said Janet of this picture:
Photo attachment is of me and Kristyn Thursday at the performance of Horse Crazy [Cowgirl] Band sent from Jerry Baumann.
Another mentee award winner was Mikki Daniel. She won the Swing Album of the Year award for Cowgirl Swing. The photo of her below is from her website. All photos in this section will surrender larger versions when you click on them.

Said Kristyn Harris of the picture beneath these words: Thanks for capturing this moment, Greg Bade.
#FemalePerformerOf TheYear

You can see the entire list of 2015 award winners by clicking the WMA logo below. Congratulations to all!

October 1, 2015
Re: Janet at the State Fair...

Please click to see a larger version.
The above picture was posted by Nicole Foley in Facebook on October 1, 2015. It's a wonderful photo of our Janet with members of the Cowtown Opry. Here are Miss Foley's words:
If you need an excuse to come out to the State Fair of Texas tomorrow: here's a great one !! Cowtown Opry, will be performing at 4pm in the Food & Fiber building.
Go get your corny dog and come watch a very talented group perform great music.
August 12, 2015
Re: the webmaster's question about her recent cruise to Alaska...
Yes, was on the cruise and truly [had] a wonderful time. Loved the photo of the McKinney CTO gig.
I bought a digital camera for the trip but will have to have help getting the photos.
[My daughter] has a few she will send to my computer and I'll send them when she does.
It was a trip of a lifetime and now trying to get over it. Age slows the 'return to normal' time but I'll be back in the swing soon.
Daisy [my pet dog] is right here beside me. She is so much company. She wasn't on the trip but she was safe with a kennel she likes.
Nothing big on the horizon but Buckaroos Sunday will keep me busy.
July 18, 2015
Re: Janet with the Spurgin Kids in a Mike Whirley video...

Please click to see a larger version.
On July 18, Mike Whirley posted a video on Facebook which included our Janet. Here are the words which accompanied that video:
Mel Whirley with Devon Dawson and Jennifer Walker Spurgin at Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary
July 18, 2015: The always entertaining and adorable Spurgin kids; Jack, Annie, and Tony
In order to see the video, just go to Mike Whirley's page on Facebook. As always, thank you Mike for your work with the Buckaroos!
June 19, 2015
Re: Janet and Devon at the Gene Autry Lunch Bunch...

Please click to see a larger version.
On June 19, Gerald Baumann posted this picture on Facebook with the words below:
Gerald Baumann to Ann Buttram
performers at gene autry lunch/jam session with Devon Dawson.
Said Janet of the experience:
It was a fun day with the Gene Autry Lunch Bunch and I did have a good time with the group. Glad you got that photo. I have saved it to my computer.
I sang one song and dressed like the 'Opry' days. I hadn't performed with the bunch for a long time and it felt good.
Thank you Mr. Baumann for posting this photo!
Early June, 2015
Re: Binge and Cattle Records - new website...

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Dagmar Anita Binge wrote Janet recently and announced that she no longer sells records, but still has a a new web address. Janet asked:
This is the person who had Bronco Buster Records plus Binge and Cattle LP's. Can we link up? That website features three of Janet's albums. You can see the page with the above graphic here.
Miss Binge wrote the following very nice words in her Email:
Hi Janet:
Hope you are doing well. Just wanted to let you know that I have quit my business in December, but I am back now with a private website in case you want to put a link on it. The address is
Kind regards,
Dagmar Anita Binge
Congratulations to Miss Binge on her semi-retirement. We will edit the Links page on this website at a later date, as this webmaster is still recovering from the aftermath of recent severe storms in the local Texas area.
May 7, 2015
Re: Miss Park Cities 2015, Madison Adams, thanks our Janet...

Please click to see a larger version.
On May 7, 2015, Madison Adams sent this lovely photo to Janet, accompanied by the following words:
Dear Mrs. McBride,
Words do not begin to express how grateful and honored I was to have you attend the Miss Texas Women of Achievement Luncheon as my guest.
You are an inspiration to me and so many others! I feel so blessed to have you as part of my journey to Miss Texas and I look forward to continuing to keep you up to date on my endeavors!
Attached you will find the picture of us from the event!
Thank you again,
Madison Adams
Miss Park Cities 2015
Thank you, Miss Madison, for not only the lovely words, but the lovely tone with which they were expressed. Best wishes in your pageant pursuits!
Early May, 2015
Re: Janet in Cortez, Colorado...

Janet just returned from her gig of a couple of days in Cortez, Colorado, and can already share a photo and a YouTube video. The picture above is a screen grab from that video (which you can see by clicking here) of Janet and her friends, Mark Baker and Mary Kay, singing "The Gospel Yodel."
The photo below was sent in by Sherry Trosper, who stated:
What a great shot of my favorite yodeler. :-)
I found this from my friends list, Mary Kaye's post on FB. Love it! Oh now I wish I could be there. Sighhhh
Have a fun time in CO. I sure know the kids will. Mmmmwah!
With both pictures, you can click and get a larger version. Here are Janet's words:
Great trip but this email is to let you know that Mark Baker has something up on YouTube with me, himself and Mary Kay singing The Gospel Yodel at the Cowboy Church in Cortez, CO.
We had a great time with everyone up there. Sunday afternoon and Monday I had quality time with Sofia and Millie and YODEL COACHING'.

April 28, 2015
Re: Fan Club News...

Sadly, Janet has let this webmaster know, as of April 28, 2015, that "there is no longer a Janet McBride Fan Club and Newsletter." You can Email Pat Boileson by clicking here. You can visit Pat's website by clicking this link. Below are the notes we published after the last newsletter that was mailed.
Pat Boileson recently mailed out the Spring, 2015 Fan Club Newsletter. This newsletter honors Ms. Darline Zipf, a friend of Janet's, Pat's, and Patsy Montana's. Ms. Zipf passed away Feburary 18th. To remember her best, the newsletter reprints the article originally published December of 2010, and written about Darlene by our Janet.
Also, Janet wrote, especially for this and the next newsletter, her answer to the question: "when did I decide I could be a mentor?" It is a two-part series, with the second installment in the next edition.
Plus, Pat features a photo of Janet in the ACM's "This Is Country" book and, beside it, Janet's 1963 award. In addition, for Fan Club members there is special pricing on some of Janet's music during April of 2015.
Thank you, as always, Ms. Pat for your hard work regarding Janet, and congratulations on your own musical success!
Entire month of April, 2015
Re: Janet's ACM Award on display at the Country Music Hall of Fame...

During the month of April, 2015, one of Janet's ACM Awards is on display in Nashville at the Country Music Hall of Fame. Here are Janet's words on this wonderful honor:
[This photo] was sent to me by the Curator of the Hall of Fame, and this may be what is now showing up in Nashville. As you can see, My AWARD IS BEING DISPLAYED FOR ALL TO SEE AND THAT IS AN HONOR!
I just went to the curator's email that had this attachment and he said this display will come down from the CM HOF AT THE END OF APRIL & BUT THIS PHOTO WILL GO ON FOREVER FOR SURE.
It was courtesy of MICK BUCK Curator CM HOF. It is on display at the BIG CM HOF IN NASHVILLE RIGHT NOW. YIPPEE I SAY.
Mr. Mick Buck's official designated title, per LinkedIn, is "Curatorial Director at Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum." Below we've taken the portion of the photo containing Janet's award and presented it for your closer inspection. With both pictures, clicking will give larger versions. Thank you Mr. Buck, and congratulations Janet!

April 13, 2015
Re: Mel Whirley's Facebook photo of the Buckaroos...

Please click to see a larger version.
Well how cool was that. We joked with him and said 'photo op' so he took it.
The kids were just fantastic yesterday as was the crowd in the F.W. Stockyards Area. It was a beautiful day and the kids really came alive for the responsive tourists.
Cool that he got that out there and that you have it. Mel Whirley is a fairly new member of CTO. He plays fiddle and just loves being a part of the whole group.
Mid-April, 2015
Re: Janet's colleague Gene Autry--notes on his military service...

Please click to see a larger version.
On this webmaster's hobby site,, there is a page dedicated to movie stars who served in the military. One viewer, Mr. Tony Runfalo, emailed that I had left out Gene Autry! He submitted the above photo, which we have enlarged a bit so you can see the words, and a lot of description. You can see that description on our Gene Autry page here. Thank you so much, Mr. Runfalo!
April 6, 2015
Re: Janet a guest of honor at Woman of Achievement Luncheon with the Miss Texas Pageant...
Here are Janet's words: Hello to all,
I have been nominated for the Miss Texas Woman of Achievement Award for 2015. I went on line this morning to read about it and what it is all about.
The Contestants in the Miss Texas Pageant can nominate a woman they want to be considered for this award.
I sent in a short bio for consideration. This award is for someone who contributed their time and talent in some way to Texas.
Bottom line I will attend the luncheon on April 18th and no doubt I will have a great
OH Yes, Madison Adams is MISS PARK CITIES this year and she nominated me.
I met Madison last year when she was Miss Waco in the Miss Texas Competition 2014 and, by the way, she was 2nd runner up in the finals.

Please click to see a larger version.
Said Miss Adams (pictured above) when she originally contacted Janet on March 3rd:
Dear Mrs. McBride,
I had the honor of working with you last year as I prepared the song Wide Rolling Plains for the Miss Texas Pageant. I went on to win a Talent award for my song and ended up being named second runner-up to Miss Texas. I will be competing one last year at Miss Texas this July representing the Highland Park area of Dallas and singing a beautiful rendition of Cowboy Sweetheart!
I cannot wait to sing it for you and hear your thoughts and advice for how I can improve and make the song a hit!
I also wanted to invite you to be my guest of honor at the Woman of Achievement luncheon that the Miss Texas Pageant holds each April. This event honors women who contribute their time and talent to our great state and I could not imagine a more perfect lady to honor than you, The Yodeling Queen of Texas!
The role you have played in preserving the art of yodeling and mentoring young performers is truly inspiring and I would love to showcase the active part you have played in the country and cowboy world of music!
The event is on Saturday, April 18th from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm at the Renaissance Hotel in Richardson. I will gladly arrange and provide hotel accommodations for you to make your trip as easy as possible.
I truly hope your schedule will allow you to attend!
If you would like to read the short bio Janet submitted to Miss Adams, you can click here. It is in Microsoft Word format. And here is the PDF version.
April 6, 2015
Re: Janet's birthday on Easter Sunday...
My Birthday falling on Easter over my lifetime hasn't happened very often. I won't venture a guess, but just not very often.
I did go over to my daughter's home where we were joined by family and friends for a wonderful celebration. If someone sends a photo I'll pass it on.
March 25, 2015
Re: Brook Wallace credits Janet in magazine article

On March 25 of 2015, Brook Wallace announced an article written four weeks previously in the Cleburne Times-Review by Matt Smith. The title is "Musical chameleon," and in it Brook credits our Janet, Devon Dawson, and the Buckaroos.
Here is a snippet from that article: Wallace credits Devon Dawson and Janet McBride with helping her perfect her craft and stage presence. Wallace, from the age of 8 or so, participated in Fort Worth s Cowtown Opry s Buckaroo Club, a program aimed at mentoring youth in the Texas heritage music derived from cattle ranching culture.
You can read the entire article by clicking here. Congratulations, Brook, on this well-deserved publicity, and thank you for mentioning our Janet!
March 14, 2015
Re: the webmaster's absence

On October 2, 2014, this webmaster was admitted to the hospital on an emergency basis. The doctors at Baylor Medical removed numerous stones which were pressing against the liver. Health has steadily returned since.Janet was so very kind and refused to press me with work thereafter. Thus, you have some gaps in the updates to this page.
Thank you so very much for your understanding.
February 15, 2015
Re: Valentine's Day-related Email...

I will not go to Burtons Bend. They cancelled it, so not going to be there.
I did have a really wonderful Valentine's Day and all of it with family. Thank you for asking.
Yes, John's name comes up often when with family but with me here at the house with Daisy, pretty much Daily I see something where his face pops up.
February 2, 2015
Re: Photo from the Fort Worth Stock Show...

Please click to see a larger version.
This photo came to me from Carolyn and Jerry taken on Wednesday, January 28th at the Stock Show.
What a wonderful photo of everyone.
January 5, 2015
Re: Janet Remembers Jimmy Dickens...

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Sadly, we lost the artist known as "Little Jimmy Dickens" on January 2, 2015--just days after his final appearance at the Grand Ole Opry. On January 5, Janet sent me these words of tribute:
I was a fan of Little Jimmy Dickens from the first time I heard his recordings on any radio station. He sang every song like he had lived it and most of the time he had.
Take An Old Cold Tater And Wait, Out
Behind The Barn, Little But I'm Loud, Raggedy Ann, There's No Place Like Home On Christmas were never sung better than Little Jim.
I treasured the times that I was able to actually meet up and talk with him. It seems to me he was always there. Now I know there will never be another like LITTLE JIMMY DICKENS.