"There is a destiny that makes us brothers
None goes his way alone.
All that we send into the lives of others
Comes back into our own."
~Edwin Markham

Dear Love~
Something would like you to know…
You are in every breath made, every step taken. It’s safe outside because you’re on the inside. You are my best friend, my confidante.
My life isn’t like most. I don’t live in the world of would’ve, could’ve, should’ve… I live in the “real” and dream of what could be best for all concerned.
There is only one path to trust always, and that is one of truth. Truth seeks to be appreciated, thanked, loved, protected and respected... to live life with humanity, grace and honour.
Never stood in the way of your path, but instead went ahead, far ahead and cleared the path, that would allow you a more peaceful, profitable, balanced and loving life. In that process, launched a music career, not because I care of being a star, but for the support that the fans have given to enhance you.
While I have always only experienced conditional love, it is unconditional love that exits my soul to friends, loves, allies, strangers and the World I co-exist in; something I did not know could even possess till meeting you. Maybe this is what you meant when you uttered the word, “soulmate”.
Much love~
These are edited excerpts from Cynthia's writing.