Cynthia has been advocating for the Saharawian people, and their fight against rule by Morocco, for nearly twenty years. Each October, she speaks to the United Nations on their behalf. Below is an explanation as to her motivation behind these gestures of good will.
June 6, 2001
"As a single mother, understand only too well what lack of security can do in the undermining of what they, the Sahrawis believe in and wish for as a society."
March 27, 2002
Sometimes one enters this earth knowing the journey that lay ahead. Further cemented by a dream. A dream to have a voice in this World.
As a single mother, evolved from a place of depowerment in modelling. Went from travelling around the World to pulling away from all, grounding my mind and soul, listening to the Universe; feeling alone and isolated.
The path taken was one of "authentic power" which last Summer, led to an invitation to raise awareness for refugees living in self-determination for 26 years in the W. Sahara. Finally, the journey to have a "voice" had begun.
March, 2003
When I sang for the refugees, closed my eyes. Stood there feeling almost naked (even though in a long skirt – out of respect for their Muslim religion), with the warmest wind wrapping my body, and this gentle wind lifting my hair in sections, and gently tossing it, almost playing a game…
and I hit this note, and all the women start warbling. You know, that Arabic sound the women make. It was the most healing moment in my life.

Sahrawi photos of Cynthia, posted in various places on the Internet, are courtesy of Patricia Roseman, pictured above.