Once, when I was feeling particularly low, Cynthia sent these sayings to me. She also allowed me to interview her by Email. Both helped immensely to get my eyes off myself, and onto the various opportunities in life.

Two kinds of people on earth can be seen: the people who lift and the people who lean.
-Ella Wheeler-Wilcox

We probably wouldn't worry about what people think of us if we could know how seldom they do.
-Olin Miller

W: Thank you for what you wrote... informing me of the challenges of Hollywood.
C: Hope I didn't scare ya off... we need fans like you!!!
W: No way. I did a web search on you the other day, and no gossip, or maligning available. Wonderful!
C: Nope? darn... ;-)
W: LOL... you may be taking the more difficult route northward to success, but when you land, you will not look back, and say, "I sold my soul."
C: Well, nope but can say sold the Volvo. ;-)
W: I have mentioned some of my challenges. Any advice?
C: You have insight, care, hindsight... find strength and power in that.
W: I've grown aware that one must look deeper than surface to find the substance of a person. And it's the substance which sells.
Any comments?
C:  Well, now ya know why my life has been a bit not unlike the Truman Show... yet, always a bridge.... a journey... gathering stones of value.
~to be continued~
These comments were taken from correspondence dated August of 2001.