April 26, 2011

Lori and her husband William continue to work with horses, photography, and those in the music business. In fact, her husband is an entertainer himself. Lori remains faithful to our Janet by providing another picture for this website's home page, and by visiting concerts involving Janet's mentees, most recently the Buckaroos.
As you can see below, Lori associates with others in the entertainment field, like the actor L.Q. Jones and the group Riders in the Sky. You can click either the Facebook or Twitter logo below to go to her pages on those sites. Thank you again Ms. Lori for all that you do!

Lori Faith Merritt Photography By Faith
Specializing in Equine Images that Transcend the Ordinary
PO Box 89296 Tucson, AZ 85752

Introducing Ms. Merritt and her work:
Lori Faith Merritt is a professional photographer who specializes in Equine Photography, and also has a passion for promoting western music artists, cowboy poets, and western culture. She has photographed the N’dee (Apache) people and their culture for over a decade, and loves nature photography. To read more about her, please go to her site and read the Philosophy page.
 Lori's Logo
In 2006, Lori Faith took photos of Janet, John, and several of Janet's friends. One of both Janet and John graces our home page, and has been authorized by Lori for use as our official website photo.
Below please find others from 2006. Ms. Merritt sent the collage by Email, and Janet scanned the other three.
With these four, please click to see larger versions and descriptions.
Here is what Ms. Faith Merritt wrote on March 24, 2007:
Hello Everyone! My web-site will be going through some major creative changes over the next couple of weeks. The first major change has been to my On-Line Proofing Galleries, with an E-Commerce format that will make it easy for you to purchase your prints by check or credit card. More galleries will be added over the next week. The 2007 Festival of the West galleries are up, as well as the 2006 Festival of the West, the 2006 WMA’s, and the 2007 Cochise Cowboy Poetry and Music Gathering. You will also see Photographic Prints galleries of my work, with prints available in several sizes and formats and many more images and artistic mediums will be available on the site soon! Please remember that business cards, postcards, flyers, CD design, and other promotional materials may be created with these images at very reasonable prices. Licensure for promotional utilization is available by written agreement. For any custom purposes, such as promotional, creative, or Fine Art artistic mediums such as canvas, please contact me directly. Look for Mustang images to be on my site at the end of May, as I’ll be spending a week photographing them. I’m working with rescue efforts, and if anyone would like to know more about this, please contact me. To view the new On-Line galleries, go into my Galleries Page and click on the On-Line Proofing Gallery. Happy Trails!
Lori took some wonderful photographs of Janet at the 2005 WMA Awards and Festival in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where she served as the official photographer. Photography By Faith images are copyrighted, and prints may be purchased and images used with Lori’s permission. She graciously sent us the images of Janet below to use on our website. If you or someone you know was at the 2005 WMA’s, or other western music events, you will no doubt enjoy looking at the galleries on the Photography By Faith website. Any of the images are available for print purchase, promotional use, web-ready images, and magazine and newspaper submissions. Just contact Lori for details here.
 Janet hearing of her award
 Janet receiving her award
 Janet and Chelsea Beck
 Janet and Mike Porter
 John, Janet, Mrs. Western and Johnny Western